PyTorch Tutorial: Loss does not decrease

Greetings everyone,

I am now to PyTorch and to this board, and I hope I can get a little help here and there :slight_smile:

I just started doing the PyTorch 60 minutes Blitz tutorial, and I noticed that in one of their examples, after calling an SGD optimizer, the loss of a pretrained model did not decrease:

import numpy as np
import torch, torchvision

# %% Downloading stuff
model = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True)

# %% Rest
data = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64)
labels = torch.rand(1, 1000)

predic = model(data)
loss = (predic - labels).sum()
print(loss)  # loss negative

optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, momentum=0.9)
predic = model(data)
loss = (predic - labels).sum()
print(loss)  # loss even more negative, i.e. larger abs value

This was basically done here:
Should the absolute loss not decrease after a single optimization step when having only one data point? Does it have to do with the fact that the model is pretrained?


This may be due to the fact that you have used a bad loss function, such as pytorch-model-not-converging.

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Well I used what they used, which means the tutorial is not that great.
Anyway, when squaring the (predic - loss), I get the mean-squared-error, and then the loss decreases just fine. So this seemed to be the problem.

Are you making a classification? A regression? Or something else?

It’s what they did. Classification with real output (sigmoidal?) and 1000 labels.
But seems to work now. Cheers!