Pytorch's AUC Meter

I am using PyTorch’s AUCMeter to calculate the AUC value. In the instances when target is all 0’s, tpr is coming to be NaN, as its formula is: tpr /= (self.targets.sum() * 1.0). While fpr comes to NaN when all targets are 1 as its formula is fpr /= ((self.targets - 1.0).sum() * -1.0). How to calculate tpr and fpr in such instances and avoid NaN? Below is the complete code of AUCMeter

def __init__(self):
        super(AUCMeter, self).__init__()

def reset(self):
        self.scores = torch.DoubleTensor(torch.DoubleStorage()).numpy()
        self.targets = torch.LongTensor(torch.LongStorage()).numpy()

def add(self, output, target):
        if torch.is_tensor(output):
            output = output.cpu().squeeze().numpy()
        if torch.is_tensor(target):
            target = target.cpu().squeeze().numpy()
        elif isinstance(target, numbers.Number):
            target = np.asarray([target])
        assert np.ndim(output) == 1, \
            'wrong output size (1D expected)'
        assert np.ndim(target) == 1, \
            'wrong target size (1D expected)'
        assert output.shape[0] == target.shape[0], \
            'number of outputs and targets does not match'
        assert np.all(np.add(np.equal(target, 1), np.equal(target, 0))), \
            'targets should be binary (0, 1)'

        self.scores = np.append(self.scores, output)
        self.targets = np.append(self.targets, target)
        print("scores", self.scores)
        print("targets", self.targets )

def value(self):
        # case when number of elements added are 0
        if self.scores.shape[0] == 0:
            return (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)

        # sorting the arrays
        scores, sortind = torch.sort(torch.from_numpy(
            self.scores), dim=0, descending=True)
        scores = scores.numpy()
        sortind = sortind.numpy()

        # creating the roc curve
        tpr = np.zeros(shape=(scores.size + 1), dtype=np.float64)
        fpr = np.zeros(shape=(scores.size + 1), dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(1, scores.size + 1):
            if self.targets[sortind[i - 1]] == 1:
                tpr[i] = tpr[i - 1] + 1
                fpr[i] = fpr[i - 1]
                tpr[i] = tpr[i - 1]
                fpr[i] = fpr[i - 1] + 1

        tpr /= (self.targets.sum() * 1.0)
        fpr /= ((self.targets - 1.0).sum() * -1.0)
        print('tpr', tpr )
        print("fpr", fpr)
        # calculating area under curve using trapezoidal rule
        n = tpr.shape[0]
        h = fpr[1:n] - fpr[0:n - 1]
        sum_h = np.zeros(fpr.shape)
        sum_h[0:n - 1] = h
        sum_h[1:n] += h
        area = (sum_h * tpr).sum() / 2.0
        return (area, tpr, fpr)

You can add an epsilon to make the denominator non-zero like

eps = 1e-7
tpr /= ((self.targets.sum() + eps) * 1.0)
fpr /= (((self.targets - 1.0).sum() + eps)  * -1.0)