Rebuilding resnet50 from layers, doesn't work

Im conducting research, and I would like to investigate multi branch architecture. I want to have a network that is based on resnet50, but branches based on rules at layer 4, and uses only that branch for given ‘extra_label’ input.

Im working on this for quite some time, but I cant find the reason why my architecture gives very low results, like 25-50x less perfomance. I continued striping down the architecture to find the reason for lower performance compared to simple resnet50.
In order to debug, and find the cause, I reduced my branched resnet50 architecture to just 1 branch, so this means its basicly a resnet50, rebuilt from parts, seen below.

But still, I get 25-50x less perfomance, so it has to be a bug, since its basically the same architecture.
I included some images of differences in the two architectures (copied from debug data). The left is a working good performing resnet50, the right is the result of the code above, the 1 branch architecture, named PABN.

class PABN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
    super(PABN, self).__init__()
    num_classes = 576  
    self.backbone = list(resnet50(pretrained=True).children())[:-3]  # removes conv 5, avgpool, fully con
    self.backbone = nn.Sequential(*self.backbone) 

    self.branches = nn.ModuleList()
    [self.branches.append(self._get_shared_branch_backbone()) for _ in range(1)]

    self.fcs = nn.ModuleList()
    [self.fcs.append(nn.Linear(2048, num_classes)) for _ in range(1)]

def _get_shared_branch_backbone():
    net = list(resnet50(pretrained=True).children())[7:-1]  # Gets conv5 + AAP2
    return nn.Sequential(*net)

def forward(self, images, extra_label):
    # forward shared backbone:
    x_backbone_out = self.backbone(images)

    # forward of separate branch based on extra_label label
    branch_outs = []
    for inp, e_l in zip(x_backbone_out, extra_label):
        e_l=e_l.item() # to get an integer for indexing
        inp_exp=torch.unsqueeze(inp, 0)  # add the batch dim
        x = self.branches[e_l](inp_exp)
        x = x.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)
    branch_outs =, 0)

    if not  # so IF TESTING-eval, return the feature vector:
        return branch_outs

    branch_outs_fc = []
    for inp, e_l in  zip(branch_outs, extra_label):  # use the fully connected layers
        inp_exp = torch.unsqueeze(inp, 0)  # add the batch dim
    branch_outs_fc =, 0)
    return branch_outs_fc

What does performance refer to in this context?
The end to end throught (e.g. samples per second or training time for an epoch) or model accuracy?

I meant performance as model accuracy. I use mAP as performance measure. The goal is to conclude on the similarity of inputs, that is why I have an early return of feature vector in the if not return branch_outs. During training it can be looked at as a simple classification problem

Also loss does not go down during training: loss
The orange/blue line is a good performing resnet50, the red is my own rebuilt model.

Also note that every other part of my code is the same, such as loss, optimizer, dataloader, data, etc. I investigated thoroughly and im pretty sure the problem is the model file.

The code will output the same result as the reptrained resnet50 during evaluation (and using the same self.fc at the end for the sake of debugging).
Code snippet:

class PABN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PABN, self).__init__()
        num_classes = 576  
        self.backbone = list(models.resnet50(pretrained=True).children())[:-3]  # removes conv 5, avgpool, fully con
        self.backbone = nn.Sequential(*self.backbone) 
        self.branches = nn.ModuleList()
        [self.branches.append(self._get_shared_branch_backbone()) for _ in range(1)]
        self.fcs = nn.ModuleList()
        [self.fcs.append(list(models.resnet50(pretrained=True).children())[-1]) for _ in range(1)]
    def _get_shared_branch_backbone(self):
        net = list(models.resnet50(pretrained=True).children())[7:-1]  # Gets conv5 + AAP2
        return nn.Sequential(*net)
    def forward(self, images, extra_label):
        # forward shared backbone:
        x_backbone_out = self.backbone(images)
        # forward of separate branch based on extra_label label
        branch_outs = []
        for inp, e_l in zip(x_backbone_out, extra_label):
            e_l=e_l.item() # to get an integer for indexing
            inp_exp=torch.unsqueeze(inp, 0)  # add the batch dim
            x = self.branches[e_l](inp_exp)
            x = x.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)
        branch_outs =, 0)
        #if not  # so IF TESTING-eval, return the feature vector:
        #    return branch_outs
        branch_outs_fc = []
        for inp, e_l in  zip(branch_outs, extra_label):  # use the fully connected layers
            inp_exp = torch.unsqueeze(inp, 0)  # add the batch dim
        branch_outs_fc =, 0)
        return branch_outs_fc

model = PABN().eval()
x = torch.randn(2, 3, 224, 224)
output = model(x, torch.tensor([0, 0]))

model_reference = models.resnet50(pretrained=True).eval()
output_reference = model_reference(x)

print((output - output_reference).abs().max())
> tensor(1.1921e-06., grad_fn=<MaxBackward1>)

However, during training, you are creating loops over the batch dimension, thus feeding one sample to the branches at a time.
Since the branches use batchnorm layers, feeding a single sample will most likely result in bad estimates, which should explain your divergence.

Thank you very much for your comment.
The reason im feeding the samples one by one from the input tensor, is that based on the extra_label, i want to use different branch for forward the input.
I understand now why the aproach is incorrect.
I will handle somehow that i only feed a tensor of the same extra_label, in order to only feed it the whole tensor to one branch.

I appreciate the time you spent in order to help me! Thank you sir!!