Register_backward_hook returning a None for the gradients wrt input (i.e. input[0])

I am trying to get the gradients of the loss wrt the input in my RNN model. It uses a VGG 16 as a feature extractor and an LSTM for sequence modelling. I registered the hook to the first layer of the VGG16 deep net. According to Exact meaning of grad_input and grad_output, grad_in is supposed to be a 3-tuple that contains the derivative of the loss wrt the layer input and the filter weights and biases.

In my case however, grad_in[0] returns None, grad_in[1].size() returns 64x3x3x3 i.e. the filters of the first convolutional layer of VGG16 and grad_in[2].size() returns 64, the biases for the 64 filters.

grad_out[0].size() returns 14x64x100x40 (timesteps, channels, height, width) i.e. the output of the first convolutional layer.

So how do I get the gradient of the loss wrt the input ? grad_in[0].size() should return me 14x3x100x40 (timesteps, channel, height, width). Below is the class containing my architecture.

class CNNLSTM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        self, embedding_dim=64, h_dim=32
        super(CNNLSTM, self).__init__()

        # gradients
        self.gradients = None

        ## CNN Feature Extractor
        self.model = models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
        self.model = nn.Sequential(*list(self.model.children())[0])  #5, 10, 18, 25, 31
        for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
            if param.requires_grad:
                param.requires_grad = True

        # CNN feature embedder
        self.feature_embedder = nn.Linear(1536, embedding_dim)

        # LSTM
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(
                embedding_dim, h_dim, 1, dropout=0.0, batch_first=False

        # MLP classifier
        self.classifier = make_mlp(
                [h_dim, 128, 2],
                ['relu', 'sigmoid'],
def hook_layers(self):
        def hook_function(module, grad_in, grad_out):
            self.gradients = grad_in

    def init_hidden(self, batch):
        return (
            torch.zeros(1, batch, self.h_dim).cuda(),
            torch.zeros(1, batch, self.h_dim).cuda()

    def forward(self, images_pedestrian_all):
        - obs_traj: Tensor of shape (obs_len, batch, 2)
        - final_h: Tensor of shape (self.num_layers, batch, self.h_dim)

        # batch = number of pedestrians where sequence length of each pedestrian varies
        batch = len(images_pedestrian_all)

        # for each pedestrian
        #features_pedestrian_all = []
        state_all = []
        for images_pedestrian_i in images_pedestrian_all:

                # sequence length
                seq_len = images_pedestrian_i.size(0)

                # send all the images of the current pedestrian through the CNN feature extractor
                images_pedestrian_i = images_pedestrian_i.cuda()
                features_pedestrian_i = self.model(images_pedestrian_i)
                features_pedestrian_i = features_pedestrian_i.view(seq_len, -1)

                # embed the features
                features_pedestrian_i = self.feature_embedder(features_pedestrian_i) 
                features_pedestrian_i = torch.unsqueeze(features_pedestrian_i, 1)

                # send through lstm
                state_tuple = self.init_hidden(1)
                output, state = self.lstm(features_pedestrian_i)

        state_all = torch.stack(state_all, dim=0)
        y_pred = self.classifier(state_all)
        return y_pred

Here is a snippet of the forward pass

# predict decision
decision_pred = classifier(pedestrian_crops)
onehot_pred = torch.round(decision_pred.cpu())

# backprop


register_backward_hook can have some unexpected behaviours sometime.
If you want the gradient wrt an input, your can call register_hook on this input tensor directly that will be called with the gradient for this input.


Tyvm for the suggestion !

Hi, I know this thread is old but for anyone else who gets here from google:
register_backward_hook will return None for grad_input[0] for the input layer if the input tensor has requires_grad=False

This doesn’t raise and error so it’s a little bit confusing, however register_hook will return an error in the same circumstance so that’s a little easier to interpret.

You can fix it with simply:
input_tensor.requires_grad = True

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Hi, Jonathan, I tried with your advice and actually I got the gradient with all zeros rather than None values. Do you have any suggestions for my problem? I don’t know why the reguster_backward_hook gives me grad_in, grad_out with all zeros.