Register submodules

Dear all,
I have implemented a CNN composed by several layers using libtorch. I have first defined a generic layer as:

struct ConvBlock : torch::nn::Module {
    torch::nn::Conv1d conv{nullptr};
    torch::nn::ReLU   relu{nullptr};

    ConvBlock(int in_channels, int out_channels, int kernel_size, int padding):
        conv(torch::nn::Conv1d( torch::nn::Conv1dOptions(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size).stride(1).padding(padding) ) ),
            // Register the two modules of the convolutional block
            conv = register_module("conv", conv);
            relu = register_module("relu", relu);

    torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x){
        x = conv->forward(x);
        return relu->forward(x);

Then I have defined the Network model as:

class CNNNet : public torch::nn::Module {
            c1 = register_module("c1", c1);
            c2 = register_module("c2", c2);
            c3 = register_module("c3", c3);
            p1 = register_module("p1", p1);
            c4 = register_module("c4", c4);
            c5 = register_module("c5", c5);
            c6 = register_module("c6", c6);

        std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor> forward(torch::Tensor x){
            torch::Tensor indices;
            x = c1.forward(x);
            x = c2.forward(x);
            x = c3.forward(x);
            x = p1->forward(x);
            x = c4.forward(x);
            x = c5.forward(x);
            x = c6.forward(x);
            return x; 
        ConvBlock c1 = ConvBlock(1, 16, 7, 0);
        ConvBlock c2 = ConvBlock(16, 16, 5, 0);
        ConvBlock c3 = ConvBlock(16, 16, 3, 0);
        torch::nn::MaxPool1d p1 = torch::nn::MaxPool1d(torch::nn::MaxPool1dOptions(2));
        ConvBlock c4 = ConvBlock(16, 32, 3, 0);
        ConvBlock c5 = ConvBlock(32, 32, 3, 0);
        ConvBlock c6 = ConvBlock(32, 32, 3, 0);

However, when I compile I get the following error:

error: no matching function for call to ‘ CNNNet::register_module(const char [3], ConvBlock&)’
59 | c2 = register_module(“c2”, c2);

How can I manage this issue?