Reproducing ResNet + CIFAR 10 test error

I am trying to reproduce ResNet 32 (34) on CIFAR 10. Instead of coding all of the layers by myself I decided to start with PyTorch ResNet34 implementation.

From the paper we can read (section 4.2) that:

  • used TEST set for evaluation
  • augmentation: 4x4 padding and than crop back to 32x32 fro training images, horizontal flip, mean channels
  • mini batch 128
  • lr=0.1 and after 32k iterations lowered it to 0.01, after 48k to 0.001 and terminated at 64k
  • weight decay= 0.0001 and momentum 0.9

However, later on they write:

We start with a learning rate of 0.1, divide it by 10 at 32k and 48k iterations, and terminate training at 64k iterations, which is determined on a 45k/5k train/val split.

Anyway, I do not use VALidation in this example.

Accuracy that they achieved is around 93%, however my best is about 85.

My transformation:

train_transform = transforms.Compose(
    [transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4),
     transforms.Normalize((0.49139968, 0.48215841, 0.44653091), (0.24703223, 0.24348513, 0.26158784))])


model = models.resnet34(pretrained=False)
model.fc.out_features = 10
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
exp_lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=90, gamma=0.1)
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=1e-4)


Epoch 0/135     Loss: 1038.4823	Train Acc: 0.1741	Test Acc: 0.2400	Time: 28.56s
Epoch 1/135 	Loss: 759.1835	Train Acc: 0.2692	Test Acc: 0.3251	Time: 14.81s
Epoch 2/135	    Loss: 710.6933	Train Acc: 0.3076	Test Acc: 0.3539	Time: 15.13s
Epoch 3/135	    Loss: 664.5496	Train Acc: 0.3561	Test Acc: 0.4033	Time: 15.31s
Epoch 4/135	    Loss: 620.5696	Train Acc: 0.4105	Test Acc: 0.4568	Time: 15.49s
Epoch 11/135	Loss: 441.2646	Train Acc: 0.5948	Test Acc: 0.6277	Time: 14.91s
Epoch 12/135	Loss: 419.9310	Train Acc: 0.6179	Test Acc: 0.6228	Time: 15.77s
Epoch 13/135	Loss: 399.2816	Train Acc: 0.6366	Test Acc: 0.6565	Time: 15.59s
Epoch 20/135	Loss: 318.1587	Train Acc: 0.7158	Test Acc: 0.7324	Time: 15.39s
Epoch 21/135	Loss: 307.4588	Train Acc: 0.7257	Test Acc: 0.7226	Time: 15.50s
Epoch 22/135	Loss: 301.9478	Train Acc: 0.7312	Test Acc: 0.7219	Time: 14.99s
Epoch 23/135	Loss: 292.6665	Train Acc: 0.7387	Test Acc: 0.7279	Time: 15.03s
Epoch 24/135	Loss: 286.7134	Train Acc: 0.7455	Test Acc: 0.7282	Time: 15.61s
Epoch 25/135	Loss: 283.8343	Train Acc: 0.7479	Test Acc: 0.7430	Time: 14.74s
Epoch 26/135	Loss: 278.9446	Train Acc: 0.7510	Test Acc: 0.7202	Time: 15.03s
Epoch 27/135	Loss: 272.9502	Train Acc: 0.7574	Test Acc: 0.7619	Time: 15.16s
Epoch 28/135	Loss: 268.5519	Train Acc: 0.7609	Test Acc: 0.7401	Time: 14.79s
Epoch 29/135	Loss: 263.5728	Train Acc: 0.7659	Test Acc: 0.7733	Time: 15.56s
Epoch 30/135	Loss: 256.0966	Train Acc: 0.7729	Test Acc: 0.7597	Time: 15.08s
Epoch 31/135	Loss: 254.0941	Train Acc: 0.7752	Test Acc: 0.7685	Time: 14.98s
Epoch 32/135	Loss: 249.6497	Train Acc: 0.7772	Test Acc: 0.7696	Time: 15.29s
Epoch 33/135	Loss: 246.0313	Train Acc: 0.7802	Test Acc: 0.7848	Time: 15.22s
Epoch 34/135	Loss: 241.2385	Train Acc: 0.7873	Test Acc: 0.7501	Time: 15.54s
Epoch 35/135	Loss: 239.4684	Train Acc: 0.7886	Test Acc: 0.7596	Time: 14.96s
Epoch 36/135	Loss: 236.9835	Train Acc: 0.7898	Test Acc: 0.7543	Time: 15.34s
Epoch 85/135	Loss: 160.1628	Train Acc: 0.8583	Test Acc: 0.8082	Time: 15.07s
Epoch 86/135	Loss: 159.6879	Train Acc: 0.8581	Test Acc: 0.8171	Time: 14.77s
Epoch 87/135	Loss: 156.7326	Train Acc: 0.8605	Test Acc: 0.7995	Time: 14.76s
Epoch 88/135	Loss: 153.8567	Train Acc: 0.8638	Test Acc: 0.8191	Time: 15.01s
Epoch 89/135	Loss: 107.1789	Train Acc: 0.9036	Test Acc: 0.8503	Time: 14.77s
Epoch 90/135	Loss: 90.4571	        Train Acc: 0.9185	Test Acc: 0.8532	Time: 14.74s
Epoch 91/135	Loss: 85.0465	        Train Acc: 0.9241	Test Acc: 0.8526	Time: 14.75s
Epoch 133/135	Loss: 30.1169	Train Acc: 0.9729	Test Acc: 0.8526	Time: 14.80s
Epoch 134/135	Loss: 32.1346	Train Acc: 0.9711	Test Acc: 0.8469	Time: 14.83s
Epoch 135/135	Loss: 29.4413	Train Acc: 0.9727	Test Acc: 0.8491	Time: 14.76s

There are a few problems with this network.

  • in first ~20 epochs TEST error is lower than TRAINING error
  • after ~13 epochs (5K iterations) Log loss starts flickering (can be seen on the image below)
  • after ~36/40 epochs starts showing signs of overfitting
  • after epoch 89 LR has been decreased to 0.01

I believe that is not really correct that TEST error for first epochs in higher than for TRAIN data, filtering of LOSS function Is pretty strong after 13 epochs, maybe I should decrease learning rate easier? But that would probably overfit even quicker!

But THE MOST important question is how to reproduce similar results to those in the paper? I am overfitting very badly! To fix that I could use heavy augmentation and use additional regularisation, but I am trying to reproduce model from the paper thus I am following their instructions. Do you have any tips?

@szymonk92 I faced the exact same problem… and I have the explanation. :smiley:

In the paper from He et al. (2015), the authors explain in 4.2 that they use a narrower ResNet for CIFAR-10 compared to the ImageNet reference model:

The network inputs are 32×32 images, with the per-pixel mean subtracted. The first layer is 3×3 convolutions. Then we use a stack of 6n layers with 3×3 convolutions on the feature maps of sizes{32,16,8} respectively,with 2n layers for each feature map size. The numbers of filters are{16,32,64}respectively. The subsampling is performed by convolutions with a stride of 2. The network ends with a global average pooling, a 10-way fully-connected layer, and softmax.

This means that the Resnets for CIFAR-10 use 3 residual blocks with 16, 32 and 64 filters. Yet, the torchvision models are all designed for ImageNet. If you look at the code (in you’ll see that the Resnets there use 4 blocks with an exponentially growing number of filters from 64 to 512.

Alas this behaviour cannot be modified directly from PyTorch. But this unofficial implementation will allow you to reproduce the CIFAR-10 baselines using Resnets.

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