Request for Participation in a Survey on Non-Determinism Factors of Deep Learning Models

Dear ML/DL expert,

We are contacting you as an experienced deep learning practitioner,
on behalf of a research group from the University of Sannio (Italy).

Our research activity concerns reproducibility of deep learning-intensive programs.

The focus of our research is on the presence of non-determinism factors
in training deep learning models. As part of our research, we are conducting a survey to
investigate the awareness and the state of practice on non-determinism factors of
deep learning programs, by analyzing the perspective of the developers.

Participating in the survey is engaging and easy, and should take approximately 5 minutes.

All responses will be kept strictly anonymous. Analysis and reporting will be based
on the aggregate responses only; individual responses will never be shared with
any third parties.

Please use this opportunity to share your expertise and make sure that
your view is included in decision-making about the future deep learning research.

To participate, simply click on the link below:

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, or would like your email
to be removed from the survey, please do not hesitate to contact us

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards