Run backward without accumulating gradients

Currently I have this code, which runs a batch through the model and stores the result for later use. Before actual loss computation, the gradient with respect to the input needs to be computed:

x.requires_grad = True
tmp = x
x = ml[i](x, start_p, mask)
x.grad = None

However running this backward pass will inadvertently accumulate the gradients of the weights into the .grad parameter of the network weights. Is there a way to avoid this last part? Using no_grad is not the solution, as later when the actual loss is computed, the gradients will need to be accumulated.

You could use the inputs argument in backward which will accumulate the gradients only for these tensors. From the docs:

inputs (sequence of Tensor, optional) – Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient will be accumulated into .grad. All other tensors will be ignored. If not provided, the gradient is accumulated into all the leaf Tensors that were used to compute the tensors.