Running_mean and running_var of batch_norm are not correctly exported to onnx

I am using the following code to export resnet18 pth file to onnx file.
I found that running_mean and running_var of batch_norm in onnx are different with those of pth state_dict.

Is there anything wrogn with my exporing code? or is there any reason why running_mean and running_var of batch_norm are not correctly exported?

torch.onnx.export(resnet18, dummy_input, onnx_path, opset_version=11, training=torch.onnx.TrainingMode.TRAINING, do_constant_folding=False)

You might be ignoring a warning raised here, which explains:

UserWarning: You are exporting the model in training mode with onnx opset version 11. Opset versions lower than opset 12 will not be able to export nodes such as Dropout and BatchNorm correctly.