RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid argument when running tracer.export_caffe2

When running tracer.export_caffe2() on an Detecton2 model inside Google Colab I’m getting:

[11/25 21:54:49 d2.export.caffe2_export]: Exporting a Caffe2GeneralizedRCNN model via ONNX ... Some warnings from ONNX are expected and are usually not to worry about.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/onnx/ UserWarning: `add_node_names' can be set to True only when 'operator_export_type' is `ONNX`. Since 'operator_export_type' is not set to 'ONNX', `add_node_names` argument will be ignored.
  "`{}` argument will be ignored.".format(arg_name, arg_name))
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/onnx/ UserWarning: `do_constant_folding' can be set to True only when 'operator_export_type' is `ONNX`. Since 'operator_export_type' is not set to 'ONNX', `do_constant_folding` argument will be ignored.
  "`{}` argument will be ignored.".format(arg_name, arg_name))
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-9d750fee609f> in <module>()
      1 # convert and save caffe2 model
----> 2 caffe2_model = tracer.export_caffe2()
      3 caffe2_model.save_protobuf(output)
      4 # draw the caffe2 graph
      5 caffe2_model.save_graph(os.path.join(output, "model.svg"), inputs=first_batch)

20 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/detectron2/export/ in _generate_proposals(self, images, objectness_logits_pred, anchor_deltas_pred, gt_instances)
    201                 angle_bound_hi=180,
    202                 clip_angle_thresh=1.0,  # Default
--> 203                 legacy_plus_one=False,
    204             )
    205             rpn_rois_list.append(rpn_rois)

RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid argument
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.

This error didn’t occur when using Detectron v0.5. I suspect this is connected to the PyTorch and Cuda versions used in Colab but I wasn’t able to fix it yet. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Colab notebook: Google Colab

I’m not sure, if you would be running into this issue, but could check if updating to the latest detectron2 release could solve it.

Sorry for the exceptionally late reply. Completely forgot about this issue. I just tried using the newest version of Detectron2 using !pip install 'git+' as suggested by @ptrblck but that didn’t solve the issue. Therefore I just opend an issue on the Detectron2 repository.