RuntimeError: Expected object of scalar type Double but got scalar type Long for sequence element 1 in sequence argument at position #1 'tensors'

I am trying to iterate through a dataloader, but I sometimes get a Runtime Error and don’t know how to solve it.

my dataset:

class MyDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, label_dir, image_dir, image_names, transform=None):
        self.label_dir = label_dir
        self.image_dir = image_dir
        self.image_names = image_names
        self.transform = transform

    def __len__(self):
        return sum(1 for line in open(self.image_names))

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        img_name = ''
        with open(self.image_names) as file:
            for i, line in enumerate(file):
                if (i == idx):
                    img_name = line[:-1]
        image = io.imread(self.image_dir + img_name + '.jpg')
        label = pd.read_csv(self.label_dir + img_name + '.csv').as_matrix()
        sample = {'image': image, 'label': label}

        if self.transform:
            sample = self.transform(sample)

        return sample

this is how I try to iterate:

dataset = MyDataset(label_dir='labels/',
                                    image_names = 'names.txt',

dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True)

for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
    print(i, data['image'].size(), data['label'].size())

When I try to run the for-loop I get the following Error-message:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-246-2202a1a6f738> in <module>
----> 1 for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
      2     print(i, data['image'].size(), data['label'].size())

~\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\mt\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in __next__(self)
    558         if self.num_workers == 0:  # same-process loading
    559             indices = next(self.sample_iter)  # may raise StopIteration
--> 560             batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])
    561             if self.pin_memory:
    562                 batch = _utils.pin_memory.pin_memory_batch(batch)

~\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\mt\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\_utils\ in default_collate(batch)
     61         return batch
     62     elif isinstance(batch[0], container_abcs.Mapping):
---> 63         return {key: default_collate([d[key] for d in batch]) for key in batch[0]}
     64     elif isinstance(batch[0], tuple) and hasattr(batch[0], '_fields'):  # namedtuple
     65         return type(batch[0])(*(default_collate(samples) for samples in zip(*batch)))

~\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\mt\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\_utils\ in <dictcomp>(.0)
     61         return batch
     62     elif isinstance(batch[0], container_abcs.Mapping):
---> 63         return {key: default_collate([d[key] for d in batch]) for key in batch[0]}
     64     elif isinstance(batch[0], tuple) and hasattr(batch[0], '_fields'):  # namedtuple
     65         return type(batch[0])(*(default_collate(samples) for samples in zip(*batch)))

~\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\mt\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\_utils\ in default_collate(batch)
     41             storage = batch[0].storage()._new_shared(numel)
     42             out = batch[0].new(storage)
---> 43         return torch.stack(batch, 0, out=out)
     44     elif elem_type.__module__ == 'numpy' and elem_type.__name__ != 'str_' \
     45             and elem_type.__name__ != 'string_':

RuntimeError: Expected object of scalar type Double but got scalar type Long for sequence element 1 in sequence argument at position #1 'tensors'

The Error only appears if I use a Batch-size for my dataloader. I would be grateful for ideas to solve this problem.

The problem was caused, because the tensor-type wasn’t defined in the ToTensor() function. After adding target.type(torch.FloatTensor) everything works.

Convert your data to float tensors should solve it:

dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.FloatTensor
for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
    data['image'] = data['image'].type(dtype)
    data['label'] = data['label'].type(dtype) #Comment this line if it is a classification problem
    print(i, data['image'].size(), data['label'].size())

Thanks for the reply. I used a similar solution, but changed the type inside of the ToTensor() function like this:

class ToTensor(object):
    def __call__(self, sample):
        image, label = sample['image'], sample['label']

        image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        return {'image': torch.from_numpy(image).type(torch.FloatTensor),
                'label': torch.from_numpy(label).type(torch.FloatTensor)}

Now everything works fine.

Yes, your solution is good and can work on CPU. But Later during training, if you want to move your data to GPU, you should considerate also the above solution.