RuntimeError: index 10 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 10

hub: uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ryu/lib/”, line 60, in _launch
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File “/home/ubuntu/ryu/ryu/app/”, line 130, in _monitor
File “/home/ubuntu/ryu/ryu/app/”, line 308, in _request_stats
File “/home/ubuntu/ryu/ryu/app/”, line 406, in dynamic_timeout
self.model.train_on_transition(self.prev_state, self.action, self.state, reward, done_bool)
File “/home/ubuntu/ryu/ryu/app/SAC/”, line 70, in train_on_transition
File “/home/ubuntu/ryu/ryu/app/SAC/”, line 95, in train_networks
self.critic_loss(states_tensor, actions_tensor, rewards_tensor, next_states_tensor, done_tensor)
File “/home/ubuntu/ryu/ryu/app/SAC/”, line 126, in critic_loss
soft_q_values = self.critic_local(states_tensor).gather(1, actions_tensor)
RuntimeError: index 10 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 10

def critic_loss(self, states_tensor, actions_tensor, rewards_tensor, next_states_tensor, done_tensor):
    with torch.no_grad():
        action_probabilities, log_action_probabilities = self.get_action_info(next_states_tensor)
        next_q_values_target = self.critic_target.forward(next_states_tensor)
        next_q_values_target2 = self.critic_target2.forward(next_states_tensor)
        soft_state_values = (action_probabilities * (
                torch.min(next_q_values_target, next_q_values_target2) - self.alpha * log_action_probabilities

        next_q_values = rewards_tensor + ~done_tensor * self.DISCOUNT_RATE*soft_state_values

    soft_q_values = self.critic_local(states_tensor).gather(1, actions_tensor)
    soft_q_values2 = self.critic_local2(states_tensor).gather(1, actions_tensor)
    critic_square_error = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")(soft_q_values, next_q_values)
    critic2_square_error = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")(soft_q_values2, next_q_values)
    weight_update = [min(l1.item(), l2.item()) for l1, l2 in zip(critic_square_error, critic2_square_error)]
    critic_loss = critic_square_error.mean()
    critic2_loss = critic2_square_error.mean()
    return critic_loss, critic2_loss

STATE_DIM = 5 # 4-Dimensional State Space: [avg_PI_IAT, avg_fd, PIAT, action, avg_PIAT]
ACTION_DIM = 10 # 10-Dimensional Action Space: 1-10

You didn’t post any explanation about your use case so I can only guess that:

ACTION_DIM = 10 # 10-Dimensional Action Space: 1-10

refers to the used values in action_tensor.
If so, make sure the indexing starts at 0 by subtracting 1, which would also explain the error:

soft_q_values = self.critic_local(states_tensor).gather(1, actions_tensor)
RuntimeError: index 10 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 10

I am using the code from this article: Adapting Soft Actor Critic for Discrete Action Spaces | by Felix Hofstätter | Towards Data Science which allows for the SAC algorithm to be used on a discrete action space.

I am inputing an array with 5 elements for state and choosing from 0-9 which correspond to 1-10 for the action space

When using the original code, I get: RuntimeError: Index tensor must have the same number of dimensions as input tensor

Hello, is it possible to contact you via email? I believe my actual issue is with my reward function. I want to Marian a certain percentage but I don’t believe my current function is accurately rewarding or punishing my agent to achieve the best results.