RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (110) must match the size of tensor b (11) at non-singleton dimension 1

I am trying to run a simple SeqGAN model but I am getting error .
SeqGAN model is like below:

type or paste code here
class GANLoss(nn.Module):
    """Reward-Refined NLLLoss Function for adversial training of Gnerator"""
    def __init__(self):
        super(GANLoss, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, prob, target, reward):
            prob: (N, C), torch Variable 
            target : (N, ), torch Variable
            reward : (N, ), torch Variable
        N = target.size(0)
        C = prob.size(1)
        one_hot = torch.zeros((N, C))
        if prob.is_cuda:
            one_hot = one_hot.cuda()
        one_hot.scatter_(1,,1)), 1)
        one_hot = one_hot.type(torch.ByteTensor)
        one_hot = Variable(one_hot)
        if prob.is_cuda:
            one_hot = one_hot.cuda()
        loss = torch.masked_select(prob, one_hot)
        loss = loss * reward
        loss =  -torch.sum(loss)
        return loss

def main():
    # Build up dataset

    s_train, s_test = load_from_big_file('F:/H-data3.txt')
    # idx_to_word: List of id to word
    # word_to_idx: Dictionary mapping word to id
    idx_to_word, word_to_idx = fetch_vocab(s_train, s_train, s_test)
    # input_seq, target_seq = prepare_data(DATA_GERMAN, DATA_ENGLISH, word_to_idx)

    global VOCAB_SIZE
    VOCAB_SIZE = len(idx_to_word)
    save_vocab(CHECKPOINT_PATH+'', idx_to_word, word_to_idx, VOCAB_SIZE, g_emb_dim, g_hidden_dim)

    print('VOCAB SIZE:' , VOCAB_SIZE)
    # Define Networks
    generator = Generator(VOCAB_SIZE, g_emb_dim, g_hidden_dim, opt.cuda)
    discriminator = Discriminator(d_num_class, VOCAB_SIZE, d_emb_dim, d_filter_sizes, d_num_filters, d_dropout)
    target_lstm = TargetLSTM(VOCAB_SIZE, g_emb_dim, g_hidden_dim, opt.cuda)
    if opt.cuda:
        generator = generator.cuda()
        discriminator = discriminator.cuda()
        target_lstm = target_lstm.cuda()
    # Generate toy data using target lstm
    print('Generating data ...')
    # Generate samples either from sentences file or lstm
    # Sentences file will be structured input sentences
    # LSTM based is BOG approach
    generate_real_data('F:/H-data3.txt', BATCH_SIZE, GENERATED_NUM, idx_to_word, word_to_idx, POSITIVE_FILE, TEST_FILE)
    # generate_samples(target_lstm, BATCH_SIZE, GENERATED_NUM, POSITIVE_FILE, idx_to_word)
    # generate_samples(target_lstm, BATCH_SIZE, 10, TEST_FILE, idx_to_word)
    # Create Test data iterator for testing
    test_iter = GenDataIter(TEST_FILE, BATCH_SIZE)
    # Load data from file
    gen_data_iter = GenDataIter(POSITIVE_FILE, BATCH_SIZE)

    # Pretrain Generator using MLE
    gen_criterion = nn.NLLLoss(size_average=False)
    gen_optimizer = optim.Adam(generator.parameters())
    if opt.cuda:
        gen_criterion = gen_criterion.cuda()
    print('Pretrain with MLE ...')
    for epoch in range(PRE_EPOCH_NUM):
        loss = train_epoch(generator, gen_data_iter, gen_criterion, gen_optimizer)
        print('Epoch [%d] Model Loss: %f'% (epoch, loss))

        # generate_samples(generator, BATCH_SIZE, GENERATED_NUM, EVAL_FILE)
        # eval_iter = GenDataIter(EVAL_FILE, BATCH_SIZE)
        # loss = eval_epoch(target_lstm, eval_iter, gen_criterion)
        # print('Epoch [%d] True Loss: %f' % (epoch, loss))

    # Pretrain Discriminator
    dis_criterion = nn.NLLLoss(size_average=False)
    dis_optimizer = optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters())
    if opt.cuda:
        dis_criterion = dis_criterion.cuda()
    print('Pretrain Discriminator ...')
    for epoch in range(3):
        generate_samples(generator, BATCH_SIZE, GENERATED_NUM, NEGATIVE_FILE)
        dis_data_iter = DisDataIter(POSITIVE_FILE, NEGATIVE_FILE, BATCH_SIZE)
        for _ in range(3):
            loss = train_epoch(discriminator, dis_data_iter, dis_criterion, dis_optimizer)
            print('Epoch [%d], loss: %f' % (epoch, loss))
    # Adversarial Training 
    rollout = Rollout(generator, 0.8)
    print('Start Adversarial Training...\n')
    gen_gan_loss = GANLoss()
    gen_gan_optm = optim.Adam(generator.parameters())
    if opt.cuda:
        gen_gan_loss = gen_gan_loss.cuda()
    gen_criterion = nn.NLLLoss(size_average=False)
    if opt.cuda:
        gen_criterion = gen_criterion.cuda()
    dis_criterion = nn.NLLLoss(size_average=False)
    dis_optimizer = optim.Adam(discriminator.parameters())
    if opt.cuda:
        dis_criterion = dis_criterion.cuda()
    for total_batch in range(TOTAL_BATCH):
        ## Train the generator for one step
        for it in range(1):
            samples = generator.sample(BATCH_SIZE, g_sequence_len)
            # construct the input to the genrator, add zeros before samples and delete the last column
            zeros = torch.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, 1)).type(torch.LongTensor)
            if samples.is_cuda:
                zeros = zeros.cuda()
            inputs = Variable([zeros,], dim = 1)[:, :-1].contiguous())
            targets = Variable(,))
            # calculate the reward
            rewards = rollout.get_reward(samples, 16, discriminator)
            rewards = Variable(torch.Tensor(rewards))
            if opt.cuda:
                rewards = torch.exp(rewards.cuda()).contiguous().view((-1,))
            prob = generator.forward(inputs)
#            print('SHAPE: ', prob.shape, targets.shape, rewards.shape)              
            loss = gen_gan_loss(prob, targets, rewards)
            # print('GEN PRED DIM: ', prob.shape)

I am getting error:
loss = loss * reward
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (110) must match the size of tensor b (11) at non-singleton dimension 1

I am using Windows 10, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 , cuda 9.2, and pytorch version is 1.0.1

Could you check the shape of one_hot?
Also, which batch size are you using?
I canā€™t run the code currently, so if you provide all parameters and (random) input data, I could try to debug it.

Can you try to run the code?Whole program is hereļ¼ˆdata态core态seq_ganļ¼‰ļ¼Thanks!

Thank you very much for your kindly reply. Can you give me specific instructions, what do I need to modify,or can you help mo to run the code ?
Thanks again!

Iā€™ve cloned the repo and could try to debug it. Could you tell me which script you are using and what youā€™ve changed so far, e.g. different input shapes etc.?

I am using the data(train_data_obama), the scripts in core and the scripts / in seq_gan. I have not changed !Thanks !

Thanks for the information!
Iā€™ve run the script and the main method seems to run succesfully.
At least the train_data_obama.txt was loaded and the loss decreased in each epoch until I killed the script.
Could you clone the repo again and try it?
If you havenā€™t changed anything, Iā€™m not sure why the script seems to throw this error on your machine.

Thank you very much for helping to debug this program. When I run the script, the loss also decreased in each epoch. But this error appears in Start Adversarial Trainingā€¦! When you runļ¼Œ is this error not ?

Hi,Mr Yu
Iā€™m also trying to run this code and facing the same problem with you.
I figure out why it goes wrong.
In adversarial Training,

# Adversarial Training 
    rollout = Rollout(generator, 0.8)
    print('Start Adversarial Training...\n')
            # calculate the reward
            rewards = rollout.get_reward(samples, 16, discriminator)
            rewards = Variable(torch.Tensor(rewards))
            if opt.cuda:
                rewards = torch.exp(rewards.cuda()).contiguous().view((-1,))
            prob = generator.forward(inputs)
#            print('SHAPE: ', prob.shape, targets.shape, rewards.shape)              

The error happened because the author flats the reward shape to 1 dimension in GPU environment .However,you and I both run this code in CPU environment ,which cause the error happened.
So here is the solution
add this

rewards = torch.exp(rewards).contiguous().view((-1,))


rewards = Variable(torch.Tensor(rewards))

Hope it can help

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Hello, I actually had the same problem, and that solves it! Thank you.