RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already been freed. Specify retain_graph=True when calling backward the first time

I’m afraid we don’t have a list of these.
It will depend on the exact formula for each op I’m afraid.
There are some places in the code where you could read about them, but you can also use tools like torchviz to plot what is saved by using show_saved=True.

1 Like

hi @albanD , I am trying to do a similar thing where I have a reconstruction loss and a kernel alignment loss. They are calculated as below:

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()

        self.We1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(input_length, args.hidden_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length), 1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length)))
        self.We2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(args.hidden_size, args.code_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size), 1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

        self.be1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
        self.be2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.code_size]))

    def encoder(self, encoder_inputs):
        hidden_1 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(encoder_inputs.float(), self.We1) + self.be1)
        code = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(hidden_1, self.We2) + self.be2)
        return code

    def decoder(self,encoder_inputs):
        code = self.encoder(encoder_inputs)

        # ----- DECODER -----
        if tied_weights:

            Wd1 = torch.transpose(We2)
            Wd2 = torch.transpose(We1)


            Wd1 = torch.nn.Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(args.code_size, args.hidden_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size),
                                                                           1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size)))
            Wd2 = torch.nn.Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(args.hidden_size, input_length).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size),
                                                                             1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

            bd1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
            bd2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([input_length]))

            if lin_dec:
                hidden_2 = torch.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1
                hidden_2 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1)

            dec_out = torch.matmul(hidden_2, Wd2) + bd2

        return  dec_out

    def kernel_loss(self,code, prior_K):
        # kernel on codes
        code_K =, torch.t(code))

        # ----- LOSS -----
        # kernel alignment loss with normalized Frobenius norm
        code_K_norm = code_K / torch.linalg.matrix_norm(code_K, ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        prior_K_norm = prior_K / torch.linalg.matrix_norm(prior_K, ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        k_loss = torch.linalg.matrix_norm(torch.sub(code_K_norm,prior_K_norm), ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        return k_loss

# Initialize model
model = Model()

Now, during training I pass my training data as inputs to the encoder and decoder.

for ep in range(args.num_epochs):
    for batch in range(max_batches):
        # get input data
            dec_out = model.decoder(encoder_inputs)
            reconstruct_loss = torch.mean((dec_out - encoder_inputs) ** 2)
            enc_out = model.encoder(encoder_inputs)
            k_loss = model.kernel_loss(enc_out,prior_K)

            tot_loss = reconstruct_loss + args.w_reg * reg_loss + args.a_reg * k_loss
            tot_loss = tot_loss.float()

            # Backpropagation
            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.max_gradient_norm)

This always gives me an error saying “RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tensors after they have already been freed).
Saved intermediate values of the graph are freed when you call .backward() or autograd.grad(). Specify retain_graph=True if you need
to backward through the graph a second time”

It works only when I activate the retain_graph flag. But takes huge time for training. Can you please let me know what wrong I am doing here?

Thank you!


I can’t say for sure given the code you shared but this is most likely due to some part of the computation being re-used from one iteration to the next.
Either because something was computed before entering the loop in a differentiable way and is being re-used. Or something is passed from one iteration to the next in a differentiable way.

If looking at the code doesn’t work, one way to debug these is to use a visualization tool like: GitHub - szagoruyko/pytorchviz: A small package to create visualizations of PyTorch execution graphs
You can get tot_loss from the first and second iterations and print them at the same time with make_dot. If any part of the graph is shared between the two that means that you have some shared computation that should not be here. Another thing that can happen is that the graph for the second one almost completely depends on the graph from the first one. That would indicate that the second iteration depends on the first in a bad way.

hi @albanD , thank you so much for your time. So, before entering the loop , I am just declaring some variables to store the training progress and a regularization constant.

reg_loss = 0
parameters = torch.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(model.parameters())
for tf_var in parameters:
    reg_loss += torch.mean(torch.linalg.norm(tf_var))

# initialize training variables
time_tr_start = time.time()
batch_size = args.batch_size
max_batches = train_data.shape[0] // batch_size
loss_track = []
kloss_track = []

for ep in range(args.num_epochs):
          # shuffle training data
          idx = np.random.permutation(train_data.shape[0])
          train_data_s = train_data[idx, :]
          K_tr_s = K_tr[idx, :][:, idx]
          for batch in range(max_batches):
              fdtr = {}
              fdtr["encoder_inputs"] = train_data_s[(batch) * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size, :]
              fdtr["prior_K"] =  K_tr_s[(batch) * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size,
                               (batch) * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size]
              encoder_inputs = (fdtr["encoder_inputs"].astype(float))
              encoder_inputs = torch.from_numpy(encoder_inputs)
              prior_K = (fdtr["prior_K"].astype(float))
              prior_K = torch.from_numpy(prior_K)
              dec_out = model.decoder(encoder_inputs)
              reconstruct_loss = torch.mean((dec_out - encoder_inputs) ** 2)
              reconstruct_loss = reconstruct_loss.float()
              enc_out = model.encoder(encoder_inputs)
              k_loss = model.kernel_loss(enc_out,prior_K)
              k_loss = k_loss.float()
              tot_loss = reconstruct_loss + args.w_reg * reg_loss + args.a_reg * k_loss
              tot_loss = tot_loss.float()
              # Backpropagation
              torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.max_gradient_norm)

Do you mean to say that I must define the reg_loss inside the training loop?
Thank you so much!

Ho yes that reg_loss should be in the loop for sure!

Thank you so much!! It worked, I was spending days to find out what exactly is being reused :frowning: . I just need one more small thing to be verified by you. I converted a TF code to pytorch. However, when I print the trainable model params, the pytorch code just gives exactly half of what TF code prints. Following are the codes:

sess = tf.Session()

# placeholders
encoder_inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, input_length), dtype=tf.float32, name='encoder_inputs')
prior_K = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.float32, name='prior_K')

# ----- ENCODER -----
We1 = tf.Variable(
    tf.random_uniform((input_length, args.hidden_size), -1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length), 1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length)))
We2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform((args.hidden_size, args.code_size), -1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size),
                                    1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

be1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
be2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([args.code_size]))

hidden_1 = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(encoder_inputs, We1) + be1)
code = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(hidden_1, We2) + be2)

# kernel on codes
code_K = tf.tensordot(code, tf.transpose(code), axes=1)

# ----- DECODER -----
if tied_weights:
    Wd1 = tf.transpose(We2)
    Wd2 = tf.transpose(We1)
    Wd1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform((args.code_size, args.hidden_size), -1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size),
                                        1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size)))
    Wd2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform((args.hidden_size, input_length), -1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size),
                                        1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

bd1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
bd2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([input_length]))

if lin_dec:
    hidden_2 = tf.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1
    hidden_2 = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1)

dec_out = tf.matmul(hidden_2, Wd2) + bd2

# ----- LOSS -----
# kernel alignment loss with normalized Frobenius norm
code_K_norm = code_K / tf.norm(code_K, ord='fro', axis=[-2, -1])
prior_K_norm = prior_K / tf.norm(prior_K, ord='fro', axis=[-2, -1])
k_loss = tf.norm(code_K_norm - prior_K_norm, ord='fro', axis=[-2,-1])

And my converted Pytorch code is:

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()

        self.We1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(input_length, args.hidden_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length), 1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length)))
        self.We2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(args.hidden_size, args.code_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size), 1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

        self.be1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
        self.be2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.code_size]))

    def encoder(self, encoder_inputs):
        hidden_1 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(encoder_inputs.float(), self.We1) + self.be1)
        code = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(hidden_1, self.We2) + self.be2)
        return code

    def decoder(self,encoder_inputs):
        # hidden_1 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(encoder_inputs.float(), self.We1) + self.be1)
        # code = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(hidden_1, self.We2) + self.be2)
        code = self.encoder(encoder_inputs)

        # ----- DECODER -----
        if tied_weights:

            Wd1 = torch.transpose(We2)
            Wd2 = torch.transpose(We1)


            Wd1 = torch.nn.Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(args.code_size, args.hidden_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size),
                                                                           1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size)))
            Wd2 = torch.nn.Parameter(
                torch.Tensor(args.hidden_size, input_length).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size),
                                                                             1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

            bd1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
            bd2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([input_length]))

            if lin_dec:
                hidden_2 = torch.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1
                hidden_2 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1)

            dec_out = torch.matmul(hidden_2, Wd2) + bd2

        return  dec_out

    def kernel_loss(self,code, prior_K):
        # kernel on codes
        code_K =, torch.t(code))

        # ----- LOSS -----
        # kernel alignment loss with normalized Frobenius norm
        code_K_norm = code_K / torch.linalg.matrix_norm(code_K, ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        prior_K_norm = prior_K / torch.linalg.matrix_norm(prior_K, ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        k_loss = torch.linalg.matrix_norm(torch.sub(code_K_norm,prior_K_norm), ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        return k_loss

# Initialize model
model = Model()

Do you see anything seriously wrong here? I get exactly half training params and I guess this is affecting the gradients during backprop as well as I am not getting similar results.

Thanks a lot! Regards

@albanD Hi, the code now works without the retain graph = True flag after I declared reg_loss variable inside the training loop. But the training time is still very high compared to the TF code. Any feedback to debug this will be very helpful! Thanks!

@albanD , Hi, I have pasted a sample code which can be easily reproduced, can you please tell me why the training time is so high from one batch to the next.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchvision.utils import save_image
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
import numpy as np
import argparse
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from scipy import stats
import scipy
import os
import datetime
from math import sqrt
from math import log
from torch import optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
from math import sqrt
from math import log

# from tensorflow import keras as K

# dim_red = 1  # perform PCA on the codes and plot the first two components
# plot_on = 1  # plot the results, otherwise only textual output is returned
# interp_on = 0  # interpolate data (needed if the input time series have different length)
# tied_weights = 0  # train an AE where the decoder weights are the econder weights transposed
# lin_dec = 1  # train an AE with linear activations in the decoder

# parse input data
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--code_size", default=20, help="size of the code", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--w_reg", default=0.001, help="weight of the regularization in the loss function", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--a_reg", default=0.2, help="weight of the kernel alignment", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--num_epochs", default=5000, help="number of epochs in training", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--batch_size", default=25, help="number of samples in each batch", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--max_gradient_norm", default=1.0, help="max gradient norm for gradient clipping", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", default=0.001, help="Adam initial learning rate", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--hidden_size", default=30, help="size of the code", type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()

# ================= DATASET =================
# (train_data, train_labels, train_len, _, K_tr,
#  valid_data, _, valid_len, _, K_vs,
#  test_data_orig, test_labels, test_len, _, K_ts) = getBlood(kernel='TCK',
#                                                             inp='zero')  # data shape is [T, N, V] = [time_steps, num_elements, num_var]

train_data = np.random.rand(9000,6)
train_labels = np.ones([9000,1])
train_len = 9000

valid_data = np.random.rand(9000,6)
valid_len = 9000

test_data = np.random.rand(1500,6)
test_labels = np.ones([1500,1])

K_tr = np.random.rand(9000,9000)
K_ts = np.random.rand(1500,1500)
K_vs =  np.random.rand(9000,9000)

#test_data = test_data_orig

    '\n**** Processing Blood data: Tr{}, Vs{}, Ts{} ****\n'.format(train_data.shape, valid_data.shape, test_data.shape))

input_length = train_data.shape[1]  # same for all inputs

# ================= GRAPH =================

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
print(f"Using {device} device")

encoder_inputs = train_data
prior_k = K_tr

# ============= TENSORBOARD =============
writer = SummaryWriter()

# # ----- ENCODER -----

input_length = encoder_inputs.shape[1]
print ("INPUT ")

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Model, self).__init__()

        self.We1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(input_length, args.hidden_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length), 1.0 / math.sqrt(input_length)))
        self.We2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(args.hidden_size, args.code_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size), 1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

        self.be1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
        self.be2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.code_size]))

    def encoder(self, encoder_inputs):
        hidden_1 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(encoder_inputs.float(), self.We1) + self.be1)
        code = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(hidden_1, self.We2) + self.be2)
        #print ("CODE ENCODER SHAPE:", code.size())
        return code

    def decoder(self,encoder_inputs):
        code = self.encoder(encoder_inputs)

        Wd1 = torch.nn.Parameter(
            torch.Tensor(args.code_size, args.hidden_size).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size),
                                                                       1.0 / math.sqrt(args.code_size)))
        Wd2 = torch.nn.Parameter(
            torch.Tensor(args.hidden_size, input_length).uniform_(-1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size),
                                                                         1.0 / math.sqrt(args.hidden_size)))

        bd1 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([args.hidden_size]))
        bd2 = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros([input_length]))

        #if lin_dec:
        #hidden_2 = torch.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1
        hidden_2 = torch.tanh(torch.matmul(code, Wd1) + bd1)

        #print("hidden SHAPE:", hidden_2.size())
        dec_out = torch.matmul(hidden_2, Wd2) + bd2

        return  dec_out

    def kernel_loss(self,code, prior_K):
        # kernel on codes
        code_K =, torch.t(code))

        # ----- LOSS -----
        # kernel alignment loss with normalized Frobenius norm
        code_K_norm = code_K / torch.linalg.matrix_norm(code_K, ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        prior_K_norm = prior_K / torch.linalg.matrix_norm(prior_K, ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        k_loss = torch.linalg.matrix_norm(torch.sub(code_K_norm,prior_K_norm), ord='fro', dim=(- 2, - 1))
        return k_loss

# Initialize model
model = Model()

# trainable parameters count
total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
print('Total parameters: {}'.format(total_params))

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),args.learning_rate)

# ================= TRAINING =================

# initialize training variables
time_tr_start = time.time()
batch_size = args.batch_size
max_batches = train_data.shape[0] // batch_size
loss_track = []
kloss_track = []
min_vs_loss = np.infty
model_dir = "logs/dkae_models/m_0.ckpt"

logdir = os.path.join("logs","%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))

# Training code

    for ep in range(args.num_epochs):

        # shuffle training data
        idx = np.random.permutation(train_data.shape[0])
        train_data_s = train_data[idx, :]
        K_tr_s = K_tr[idx, :][:, idx]

        for batch in range(max_batches):
            fdtr = {}
            fdtr["encoder_inputs"] = train_data_s[(batch) * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size, :]
            fdtr["prior_K"] =  K_tr_s[(batch) * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size,
                             (batch) * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size]

            encoder_inputs = (fdtr["encoder_inputs"].astype(float))
            encoder_inputs = torch.from_numpy(encoder_inputs)
            #print("TYPE ENCODER_INP IN TRAIN:", type(encoder_inputs))

            prior_K = (fdtr["prior_K"].astype(float))
            prior_K = torch.from_numpy(prior_K)

            dec_out = model.decoder(encoder_inputs)

            #print("DEC OUT TRAIN:", dec_out)

            reconstruct_loss = torch.mean((dec_out - encoder_inputs) ** 2)
            reconstruct_loss = reconstruct_loss.float()
            #print("RECONS LOSS TRAIN:", reconstruct_loss)

            enc_out = model.encoder(encoder_inputs)
            k_loss = model.kernel_loss(enc_out,prior_K)
            k_loss = k_loss.float()
            #print ("K_LOSS TRAIN:", k_loss)

            #print ("ENTRPY LOSS:", entrpy_loss)

            # Regularization L2 loss
            reg_loss = 0

            parameters = torch.nn.utils.parameters_to_vector(model.parameters())
            # print ("PARAMS:", (parameters))
            for tf_var in parameters:
                reg_loss += torch.mean(torch.linalg.norm(tf_var))

            tot_loss = reconstruct_loss + args.w_reg * reg_loss + args.a_reg * k_loss
            tot_loss = tot_loss.float()

            # Backpropagation
            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.max_gradient_norm)

            #tot_loss = tot_loss.detach()


        #check training progress on the validations set (in blood data valid=train)
        if ep % 100 == 0:
            print('Ep: {}'.format(ep))

            # fdvs = {"encoder_inputs": valid_data,
            #         "prior_K": K_vs}

            fdvs = {}
            fdvs["encoder_inputs"] = valid_data
            fdvs["prior_K"] = K_vs

            #dec_out_val, lossvs, klossvs, vs_code_K, summary =
             #   [dec_out, reconstruct_loss, k_loss, code_K, merged_summary], fdvs)

            encoder_inp = (fdvs["encoder_inputs"].astype(float))
            encoder_inp = torch.from_numpy(encoder_inp)

            prior_K_vs = (fdvs["prior_K"].astype(float))
            prior_K_vs = torch.from_numpy(prior_K_vs)

            enc_out_vs = model.encoder(encoder_inp)

            dec_out_val = model.decoder(encoder_inp)
            #print ("DEC OUT VAL:", dec_out_val)

            reconstruct_loss_val = torch.mean((dec_out_val - encoder_inp) ** 2)
            #print("RECONS LOSS VAL:", reconstruct_loss)

            k_loss_val = model.kernel_loss(enc_out_vs,prior_K_vs)
            #print("K_LOSS VAL:", k_loss_val)

            writer.add_scalar("reconstruct_loss", reconstruct_loss_val, ep)
            writer.add_scalar("k_loss", k_loss_val, ep)
            #writer.add_scalar("tot_loss", tot_loss, ep)

            print('VS r_loss=%.3f, k_loss=%.3f -- TR r_loss=%.3f, k_loss=%.3f' % (
            reconstruct_loss_val, k_loss_val, torch.mean(torch.stack(loss_track[-100:])), torch.mean(torch.stack(kloss_track[-100:]))))
            #reconstruct_loss_val, k_loss_val, np.mean(loss_track[-100:].detach().numpy()), np.mean(kloss_track[-100:].detach().numpy())))

            # Save model yielding best results on validation
            if reconstruct_loss_val < min_vs_loss:
                min_vs_loss = reconstruct_loss_val
      , model_dir)
      , 'logs/dkae_models/')

                #save_path =, model_name)

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print('training interrupted')

time_tr_end = time.time()
print('Tot training time: {}'.format((time_tr_end - time_tr_start) // 60))


The code can be runs as:

!python3 --code_size 4 --w_reg 0.001 --a_reg 0.1 --num_epochs 100 --max_gradient_norm 0.5 --learning_rate 0.001 --hidden_size 30 

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for the code sample/
A couple things:

  • You can use weight_decay parameter of the optimizer instead of computing the l2 regularization term by hand.
  • You should use .item() when you save losses for logging purposes.

hi @albanD , thanks for your suggestions. This is not improving much in terms of the training time. I have copied a sample code in my original post and requested @ptrblck to have a look at it. I have another doubt on the trainable params of the model. I will open a new post for that and address you. Thank you!

I encounter this situation too.
My training code is as below:

class testNet(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
      super(testNet, self).__init__()
      self.layers = nn.ModuleList([])
      self.posemb = nn.Linear(2, 40)
      for i in range(3):
          self.layers.append(nn.Linear(2, 40))

      self.bias = None

  def forward(self, x, idx):
      if self.bias is None:
          self.bias = self.posemb(x).reshape(-1, 20, 2)
      pred = self.layers[idx](x)
      pred = pred.reshape(-1, 20, 2) + self.bias
      return pred

if __name__ == '__main__':

  net = testNet()
  for b in range(3):
      x = torch.rand(4, 2)
      label = torch.rand(4, 20, 2)

      ll = []
      for i in range(3):
          pred = net(x, i)
          x = pred[:, 0, :]
          ll.append(torch.norm(pred - label, p=-1).mean())

      loss = torch.stack(ll).mean()
      print('batch: %d | loss: %f' % (b, loss.item()))

In the first train loop, everything is ok, but in the second loop, it will give me this error.
I have checked for a long time, and finally find out the problem is in my network.
In my forward function, I will save a intermedium variable to save extra calculation.
In the second loop, this variable should to be calculate again, but my judgement condition skip the recalculate process, so the grad graph of this intermedium variable is being cleared.
After I change

if self.bias is None:
        self.bias = self.posemb(x).reshape(-1, 20, 2)


if idx == 0:
        self.bias = self.posemb(x).reshape(-1, 20, 2)

the problem is solved!

Hi,I have encountered the same error. Here is my code

similarity_matrix = torch.Tensor(batchsize,epoch)
dist_matrix = torch.Tensor(batchsize,epoch)
for i in range(epoch):
  sim_matrix = torch.matmul(history_pred[epoch], history_pred[i].T)
  d_matrix = torch.matmul(true_dist, history_dist[i].T)
  mask = torch.eye(sim_matrix.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool)
  similarity_matrix[:, i] = sim_matrix[mask]
  dist_matrix[:, i] = d_matrix[mask]
mask = (dist_matrix >= distance).bool()
numerator = torch.Tensor(batchsize,epoch)#分子
denominator = torch.Tensor(batchsize,epoch)#分母
numerator[mask] = 0
denominator[~mask] = 0
numerator = torch.sum(torch.exp(numerator/T),dim=1)
denominator = torch.sum(torch.exp(denominator/T),dim=1)
loss = torch.mean(numerator/denominator)

true_dist is the soft_labels I created over past epochs. history_pred is the predictions of the model over past epochs.
I don’t understand how this error occurs when I only call the backward() once.
Thanks a lot.

I have a similar problem which I still can’t solve.
I am getting the same error, I am trying to update some weight factor in the loss function, let’s say after each epoch. I am not sure how to solve this issue efficiently. I am adding a code to show the general idea shortly. Thanks you very much

lamda = 0.03
for j in range(0, (int(N_train_samples / batch_size))):

loss = loss1 + lamda * loss2

lamda=lamda+(loss_diff * 0.01)

@albanD @ptrblck Hi, there. I’ve faced the similar problem, too. Now I have to bother you.
Here is the structure of my networks:


We just regard the P1,P2,P3 is some blocks stacked, a mini-CNN.

When I update loss2 with the learning rate 0.01, while loss1 just for 0.00005.
And, normally, the P1 will be influenced by both loss1 and loss2, too. Actually, I just want loss2 just for updating P2, for the high learning rate will destroy the training progress of P1 and cause non-convergence.

In my job, I use GradScaler() for backward and optimizer’s stepping. I also met the RuntimeError but I use the option retain_graph in backward() and no error occurs again.
But I am confused that, if I backward twice for two different loss.
Is these two case play the same role as below?

# -- Case A --
'''freeze opt'''
'''defreeze opt'''
# -- Case B --
'''freeze opt'''
'''defreeze opt'''

The frozen is requires_grad set to True or False.

Hi, I try this code, but find that

import torch
a = torch.rand(1, 1).requires_grad_(True) # if comment off require_grad will fail

This will be share by both iterations and will make the second backward fail !

# b = a * a # this will cause error

for i in range(10):
b = a * a # this way will get no error
d = b * b
# The first here will work but the second will not !

This is probably a stupid error for me, but… I’m getting this same error, and I’m baffled as to why.
AFAIK I’m only calling backward once.
Example code (a simple autoencoder):

mseloss = nn.MSELoss()
opt = optim.Adam(given_model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

for i, batch in enumerate(train_dl):    
        batch =        
        out = given_model(batch)
        loss = mseloss(out, batch)

given_model is very simply a few linear layers, activations and batch norms, no intermediate results. i.e. I’m familiar with getting this error with LSTMs, but that’s not what I’m doing here.

Things I’ve tried to fix this:

  • Adding a .detach() and/or .clone() to batch passed into the mseloss doesn’t help; still get the error.
  • replacing given_model with something very simple such as given_model = nn.Linear(...) (above the loop) doesn’t help; same error.
  • even completely removing the autoenocder aspect and just adding random target data still gives the same error, i.e.
    target = torch.rand(batch.shape).to(device)
    loss = F.mse_loss(out, target)

Can someone explain what’s going on and/or how to fix this? Thanks.

Seems the problem was not with the above code but rather with the dataset. The dataset was just an array of random numbers, but I’d initialized it with requires_grad=True. Removing that one kwarg fixed everything.

1 Like

I also have a similar problem. That is, I should save some parameters into a memory buffer. In fact, there is a very simple method to achieve it. You can use XXX.detach() !!!

Hi, I got the same error with pytorch. I have read this whole discussion, but I am still very confused with my own code. I have nested data, and try to train a model with these nested data by two for loops. When I run the ‘code A’, the backward error occurs at the loss.backward() part at the i=0, j=1 in code A, which means the first run of inner loop is successfully done, but the second run of inner loop encounters an error at the loss.backward(). However, when I run the ‘code B’ (the only difference from code A is I didn’t use the x_loader and y_loader.), no error happens. Can anyone help to explain why this error happens in code A but does not happen in code B? Any suggestions or hints will be appreciated!

code A

 import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import DataLoader
x = torch.range(start=0, end=1, step=0.5)
x = torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=True).float()
y = torch.range(start=0, end=1, step=0.5)
y = torch.tensor(y, requires_grad=True).float()
x_loader = DataLoader(x, shuffle=True, batch_size=2)    
y_loader = DataLoader(y, shuffle=True, batch_size=2)   
print(f'x is: {x}')
loss = nn.MSELoss()
for i, x_ in enumerate(x_loader):
    print(f'{i}-th x is: {x_}')
    for j, y_ in enumerate(y_loader):
        print(f'{j}-th y is: {y_}')
        l = loss(x_, y_)
        print(f'l for {i, j} is: {l.item()}')
        print(f'-----backward is completed for {i}-th x and {j}-th y')

here is the output and error

x is: tensor([0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000], requires_grad=True)
0-th x is: tensor([1.0000, 0.5000], grad_fn=<StackBackward0>)
0-th y is: tensor([0.5000, 0.0000], grad_fn=<StackBackward0>)
l for (0, 0) is: 0.25
-----backward is completed for 0-th x and 0-th y
1-th y is: tensor([1.], grad_fn=<StackBackward0>)
l for (0, 1) is: 0.125

> in backward
    Variable._execution_engine.run_backward(  # Calls into the C++ engine to run the backward pass
RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tensors after they have already been freed). Saved intermediate values of the graph are freed when you call .backward() or autograd.grad(). Specify retain_graph=True if you need to backward through the graph a second time or if you need to access saved tensors after calling backward.

if I set loss.backward(require_grad=True) , then, it can run without error. But I am confused why do I need to go back to the same graph twice? In my design, I don’t expect backward twice on same graph. Based on my understanding, batches in the inner loop are independent to each other, and for each batch, once the loss is computed and the backward is processed, all of the immediate variables and graph of this batch should be useless so that being freed. If so then, why the inner loop can run for j==0, but not j==1? based on the output of ‘code A’, at j==1, the loss is sucessfully computed, but when the loss.backward() is trying to use the computational graph of last iteration instead of a new created one, why this happens?

But if I try the ‘code B’, then, no error reports. it runs successfully. Can you explain why this happens? Thank you in advance.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import DataLoader
x = torch.range(start=0, end=1, step=0.5)
x = torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=True).float()
y = torch.range(start=0, end=1, step=0.5)
y = torch.tensor(y, requires_grad=True).float()
x_loader = DataLoader(x, shuffle=True, batch_size=2)    
y_loader = DataLoader(y, shuffle=True, batch_size=2)    
print(f'x is: {x}')
loss = nn.MSELoss()
for i, x_ in enumerate(x):
    print(f'{i}-th x is: {x_}')
    for j, y_ in enumerate(y):
        print(f'{j}-th y is: {y_}')
        l = loss(x_, y_)
        print(f'l for {i, j} is: {l.item()}')
        print(f'-----backward is completed for {i}-th x and {j}-th y')

and the output is:

x is: tensor([0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000], requires_grad=True)
0-th x is: 0.0
0-th y is: 0.0
l for (0, 0) is: 0.0
-----backward is completed for 0-th x and 0-th y
1-th y is: 0.5
l for (0, 1) is: 0.25
-----backward is completed for 0-th x and 1-th y
2-th y is: 1.0
l for (0, 2) is: 1.0
-----backward is completed for 0-th x and 2-th y
1-th x is: 0.5
0-th y is: 0.0
l for (1, 0) is: 0.25
-----backward is completed for 1-th x and 0-th y
1-th y is: 0.5
l for (1, 1) is: 0.0
-----backward is completed for 1-th x and 1-th y
2-th y is: 1.0
l for (1, 2) is: 0.25
-----backward is completed for 1-th x and 2-th y
2-th x is: 1.0
0-th y is: 0.0
l for (2, 0) is: 1.0
-----backward is completed for 2-th x and 0-th y
1-th y is: 0.5
l for (2, 1) is: 0.25
-----backward is completed for 2-th x and 1-th y
2-th y is: 1.0
l for (2, 2) is: 0.0
-----backward is completed for 2-th x and 2-th y

I’m facing similar problem and each time I call the loss.backward() inside the training loop or outside it results to the same error, below is model, customGNN and embedding generation.

My use case is link prediction using min-max with negative sampling.

The error occurs each I run the training loop below. I have included other parts of my code too like my model, GNN layer and embedding generation just to add context in case something is wrong with how my model is structured. However, I believe the problem is with the loop, I tried required_grad=True but the error still persists.

from torch.nn.functional import cosine_similarity

class EmbeddingGenerationModel(nn.Module):
def init(self, user_in_feats, product_in_feats, image_in_feats, hidden_feats):
super(EmbeddingGenerationModel, self).init()
self.layers = CustomGNNLayer(user_in_feats, product_in_feats, image_in_feats, hidden_feats)
self.user_final_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_feats, hidden_feats)
self.product_final_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_feats, hidden_feats)
self.image_final_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_feats, hidden_feats)

def forward(self, g, h):
    h = self.layers(g, h)
    user_out = self.user_final_layer(h['user'])
    product_out = self.product_final_layer(h['product'])
    image_out = self.image_final_layer(h['image'])
    return user_out, product_out, image_out

class LinkPredictionModel(nn.Module):
def init(self, user_in_feats, product_in_feats, image_in_feats, hidden_feats):
self.embedding_model = EmbeddingGenerationModel(
user_in_feats, product_in_feats, image_in_feats, hidden_feats)
self.fc = nn.Linear(2, 1) # 2 similarity scores: user-image and user-product

def forward(self, g, user_feats, product_feats, image_feats, edges):
    # Generate embeddings
    user_embeddings, product_embeddings, image_embeddings = self.embedding_model(g, {'user': user_feats, 'product': product_feats, 'image': image_feats})
    # Select relevant embeddings based on edges
    user_embed_selected = user_embeddings[edges[0]]
    product_embed_selected = product_embeddings[edges[1]]
    image_embed_selected = image_embeddings[edges[0]]  # Assuming image embeddings correspond to users

    # Check if selected embeddings match edge sizes
    assert user_embed_selected.size(0) == edges[0].size(0), "Mismatch between user embeddings and edges"
    assert product_embed_selected.size(0) == edges[1].size(0), "Mismatch between product embeddings and edges"
    assert image_embed_selected.size(0) == edges[0].size(0), "Mismatch between image embeddings and edges"

    # Calculate user-image similarity (cosine similarity)
    user_image_similarity = cosine_similarity(user_embed_selected, image_embed_selected, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)

    # Calculate user-product similarity (cosine similarity)
    user_product_similarity = cosine_similarity(user_embed_selected, product_embed_selected, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)

    # Concatenate user_image_similarity and user_product_similarity
    similarities =[user_image_similarity, user_product_similarity], dim=1)

    # Prediction using similarities
    interaction_probabilities = torch.sigmoid(self.fc(similarities))

    return interaction_probabilities

#GNN layer
cass CustomGNNLayer(nn.Module):
def init(self, user_in_feats, product_in_feats, image_in_feats, hidden_feats):
super(CustomGNNLayer, self).init()
# Define weight matrices for each node type
self.weight_user = nn.Linear(user_in_feats, hidden_feats)
self.weight_product = nn.Linear(product_in_feats, hidden_feats)
self.weight_image = nn.Linear(image_in_feats, hidden_feats)
self.weight_self = nn.Linear(hidden_feats, hidden_feats)

def forward(self, g, h):
    with g.local_scope():
        # Extract features from the dictionaries
        user_feats = h['user']['features']
        product_feats = h['product']['features']
        image_feats = h['image']['features']

        # Assign features to each node type
        g.nodes['user'].data['h'] = self.weight_user(user_feats)
        g.nodes['product'].data['h'] = self.weight_product(product_feats)
        g.nodes['image'].data['h'] = self.weight_image(image_feats)
        # Message function to fetch incoming messages
        def message_func(edges):
            return {'msg': edges.src['h']}
        # Reduce function to aggregate messages
        def reduce_func(nodes):
            neigh_msg = nodes.mailbox['msg'].mean(dim=1)
            self_msg = self.weight_self(['h'])
            return {'h': torch.relu(neigh_msg + self_msg)}

        # Update all node types
        g.update_all(message_func, reduce_func, etype=('user', 'rates', 'product'))
        g.update_all(message_func, reduce_func, etype=('user', 'has', 'image'))

        # Extract updated features for each node type
        user_feats_out = g.nodes['user'].data['h']
        product_feats_out = g.nodes['product'].data['h']
        image_feats_out = g.nodes['image'].data['h']

        return {'user': user_feats_out, 'product': product_feats_out, 'image': image_feats_out}

#training loop.

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
epoch_loss = 0.0 # Accumulate loss for the epoch
# DataLoader for positive and negative edge samples
dataloader = DataLoader(train_edges, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)
for batch in dataloader:
pos_u, pos_v = batch[:, 0], batch[:, 1]
neg_u = pos_u # Negative samples have the same users as positive samples
neg_v = torch.randint(0, train_num_products, (len(pos_v),)) # Random negative products

    # Forward pass for positive edges
    pos_scores = link_prediction_model(train_g, train_user_feats, train_product_feats, train_image_feats, (pos_u, pos_v))
    pos_scores = pos_scores.squeeze(-1)  # Remove the extra dimension

    # Forward pass for negative edges
    neg_scores = link_prediction_model(train_g, train_user_feats, train_product_feats, train_image_feats, (neg_u, neg_v))
    neg_scores = neg_scores.squeeze(-1)  # Remove the extra dimension
    # Max-margin loss
    loss = torch.sum(torch.clamp(1 - pos_scores + neg_scores, min=0))

    # Backward pass

epoch_loss += loss.item()  # Accumulate (only once!)

print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{num_epochs}, Loss: {epoch_loss}")

print(“Training completed.”)