Same implementation different results between Keras and PyTorch - lstm

So i’ve implemented in PyTorch the same code as in Keras, despite using the same initialization (glorot) in PyTorch, same hyper-parameters, optimizer, loss etc…
I get much different results.
Both implementation use fastText pretrained embeddings.
I’ve read through the forum on similar cases (few posts) and thus tried initialization of glorot, 0 dropout, etc.

The dataset used is SemEval-2014 Task-3 , the sentence2phrase part of it.
Which holds 500 training rows.
Both models use the same pre-processing (basically the same csv) file. Which has pre-0-padding, fixed length. Both use pretrained 300-dim wiki.en fastText embeddings.

The evaluation in such task is the pearson and spearman correlation coefficient.
The one i get on the Keras implementation is:
pearsonr: 0.6144410047441521 spearman: 0.6066296951306432
The one i get on the PyTorch implementation is:
pearsonr: 0.227 spearman: 0.214
(In the different tweaks and modifications i’ve made i was able to bring them to ~0.38+ but on different settings as the Keras implementation, such as taking the sum of the hidden states).

I’ll try to publish the code that matters first, not to put more code than needed, if something is missing, please let me know and i’ll update. Appreciate it.

Thank you!

PyTorch code:
Notes: I tried using both the framework’s MSELoss and the following implementation - there was no significant change in loss and correlation.

random_state = 0

class SiameseModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        super(SiameseModel, self).__init__()
        self.word_embeds = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(pretrained_embeddings, freeze=True)

        # i also tried with loading manually pretrained fastText embeddings
        #self.word_embeds , num_embeddings, embedding_dim = create_emb_layer(embedding_matrix, non_trainable=True) 
        self.sentence_encoder = nn.LSTM(
        self.directions_no = 2 if bidi else 1
        self.batch_size = batch_size
    def forward(self, x1, x2):
       embed_sent1 = self.word_embeds(x1.long())
       embed_sent2 = self.word_embeds(x2.long())
        v1, (h1, c1) = self.sentence_encoder(embed_sent1)
        v2, (h2, c2) = self.sentence_encoder(embed_sent2)

        v1 = h1.permute((1, 0, 2))
        v2 = h2.permute((1, 0, 2))
        # i also tried using the sum of all the hidden states which gave better results
        cosine_sim = torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(v1, v2, -1, 1e-8)
        return cosine_sim

def mean_squared_error(y_pred, y_true):
    return torch.mean(torch.pow(y_pred - y_true, 2), dim=-1, keepdim=True)

vocab_size = vocab_size
embedding_dim = 300
hidden_size = 100
output_size = 1
epochs_no = 100
layers_no = 1
lr = 1e-08 #0.01# 1e-3 # tried all of these learning rates
batch_size = 64
log_interval = 1
clip_max_norm = 1.25 # None # tried with / out clipping

model = SiameseModel(
# criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')
criterion = mean_squared_error
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) 

def pre_process_batch(x):
    if isinstance(x[0], torch.Tensor) == False:
        return torch.Tensor(x[0]), torch.Tensor(x[1])
    return x[0], x[1]

def post_process_batch(x, ground_truth=False):
    return x.float().squeeze()
preds = []

def initialize_weights(model):
    if type(model) in [nn.Linear]:
    elif type(model) in [nn.LSTM, nn.RNN, nn.GRU]:

curr_global_step = 0

for epoch in range(epochs_no):
    total_loss = 0.
    total_batch_files = 0
    for batch_idx in range(0, len(X1_trn2), batch_size):
        batch_idx //= batch_size
        curr_global_step += 1

        # batch_x1, batch_x2 sizes are: (64, 32)
        batch_x1 = X1_trn2[batch_idx * batch_size: (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size]
        batch_x2 = X2_trn2[batch_idx * batch_size: (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size]
        # batch_y shape is [64]
        batch_y = Y_trn2[batch_idx * batch_size: (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size]
        batch_y = batch_y if isinstance(batch_y, torch.Tensor) else torch.Tensor(batch_y)
        batch_x = [batch_x1, batch_x2]
        total_batch_files += len(batch_y)
        if pre_process_batch is not None:
            # y_hat shape is [64, 1]
            y_hat = model(*pre_process_batch(batch_x))
            y_hat = model(torch.Tensor(batch_x))

        if post_process_batch is not None:
            # y_hat shape is [64]
            y_hat = post_process_batch(y_hat, ground_truth=False)
            # batch_y shape is [64]
            batch_y = post_process_batch(batch_y, ground_truth=True)

        loss = criterion(y_hat, batch_y)
        print(curr_global_step, loss.item())
        optimizer.zero_grad()  # zero the gradient buffer

        if clip_max_norm is not None:
            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip_max_norm)
        total_loss += loss.item()
        print('train total_loss', total_loss / len(batch_y))
    print('train final epoch total_loss', total_loss / total_batch_files)
    total_loss = 0.
    total_batch_files = 0
    for batch_idx in range(0, len(X1_tst2), batch_size):
        batch_idx //= batch_size
        batch_x1 = X1_tst2[batch_idx * batch_size: (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size]
        batch_x2 = X2_tst2[batch_idx * batch_size: (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size]
        batch_y = Y_tst2[batch_idx * batch_size: (batch_idx + 1) * batch_size]
        batch_y = batch_y if isinstance(batch_y, torch.Tensor) else torch.Tensor(batch_y)
        batch_x = [batch_x1, batch_x2]
        total_batch_files += len(batch_y)
        if pre_process_batch is not None:
            y_hat = model(*pre_process_batch(batch_x))
            y_hat = model(torch.Tensor(batch_x))

        if post_process_batch is not None:
            # y_hat shape is [64]
            y_hat = post_process_batch(y_hat, ground_truth=False)
            batch_y = post_process_batch(batch_y, ground_truth=True)

        loss = criterion(y_hat, batch_y)
        print(curr_global_step, loss.item())
        total_loss += loss.item()
        print('test total_loss', total_loss / len(batch_y))
    print('test final epoch total_loss', total_loss / total_batch_files)

The Keras implementation is based on the great code of

With some modification which gave the best results on the dataset.

    gradient_clipping_norm = 1.25
    adam = Adam(clipnorm=gradient_clipping_norm)

   # The visible layer
    left_input = Input(shape=(max_seq_length,), dtype='int32')
    right_input = Input(shape=(max_seq_length,), dtype='int32')

    embedding_layer = Embedding(len(embeddings), embedding_dim, weights=[embeddings], input_length=max_seq_length, trainable=False)

    # Embedded version of the inputs
    encoded_left = embedding_layer(left_input)
    encoded_right = embedding_layer(right_input)

    # Since this is a siamese network, both sides share the same LSTM
    shared_lstm = LSTM(n_hidden, name="lstm")

    left_output = shared_lstm(encoded_left)
    right_output = shared_lstm(encoded_right)

    # Calculates the distance as defined by the MaLSTM model
    # original distance - gave results in the 0.40 range
#     malstm_distance = Lambda(function=lambda x: exponent_neg_euclidean_distance(x[0], x[1]),
#                              output_shape=lambda x: (x[0][0], 1))([left_output, right_output])

    # Gave the best results, in 0.61 range.
    malstm_distance = Dot(1, normalize=True)([left_output, right_output])

    # Pack it all up into a model
    malstm = Model([left_input, right_input], [malstm_distance])

    optimizer = optimizer

    if load_weights is not None:
        malstm.load_weights(load_weights, by_name=True)

    malstm.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])

    malstm_trained =[X_train['left'], X_train['right']], Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=n_epoch,verbose=1, validation_data=([X_validation['left'], X_validation['right']], Y_validation))


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Before digging into the code, could you print the shapes of y_hat and batch_y?

@ptrblck Thanks for your help!
Of course, added comments in code, the TLDR is that when they get to criterion(y_hat, batch_y) their shapes are the same - [64].

Thanks for the information!
Comparing both approaches, I’ve noticed that the initializations are still a bit different.
Since I don’t have the dataset, could you change it to:

def initialize_weights(model):
    if type(model) in [nn.Linear]:
    elif type(model) in [nn.LSTM, nn.RNN, nn.GRU]:

and compare it again? (I’m not sure, if Keras uses a different gain for xavier_uniform_ as I couldn’t find anything in the code)
Let me know, if it helped a bit and I can have a further look.

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Thanks for your help, i’ve ran it twice, for both:
Pearson: 0.250
Spearman: 0.250

So it definitely improved, but unfortunately it’s still not that…
Appreciate the help. I can definitely provide more code/ dataset if needed ( As mentioned the dataset is publicly available it’s the SemEval 2014 - task 3, the sentence2phrase files ).

I’m hoping that before anyone takes time to try really running the code, a mistake / suggestion can be tried just based on pasted code. Like yours.

@ptrblck do you need more code / data to make a suggestion?

Just as a side note Keras LSTM and PyTorch LSTM are different and not compatible 100%. It would be good to see side by side analysis of the difference, but I cannot provide that since I don’t know for such document.

@Intel_Novel , Thanks, that’s why with this simple architecture, same initialization, hyper-parameters, etc… i’d expect some similarity in results.
So i’m still not sure if i’ve done something wrong in my training (that’s why the second pair of eyes) or model wise. As i couldn’t point my finger on it.
If you have any suggestion to try, would be helpful!

Two quick hints:

  • Do put data through the network and see where intermediate results differ.
  • You don’t rely on some magic padding done by Keras, do you? PyTorch won’t do that automatically.

Regarding the first point: if you have a self-contained script somewhere on github, you’d probably have someone looking at it. In my experience, looking at intermediate results can be much more efficient than just trying to stare down the code.

Best regards


@tom Thanks for the tips!

  1. Interesting suggestion, just to make sure, so i can try what you mean and learn from it: I should run the same training instance through the PyTorch and Keras implementations and verify that, let’s say the embeddings are the same (fastText - should give the same), then the LSTM hidden layer (it won’t be the same as to different initialization of course, so i assume the l2 distance between the 2 final hidden states?) or all of them?
  2. Both models use the SAME dataset (csv). Which was processed using pad_sequences with maximum length, etc…

The full code isn’t publicly available on github yet. It’s just me trying to make sense of it.
I see what you mean, would love some clarification of how to do it right (for the LSTM at least and in general) and i’ll report.
I’ll do the embedding layer in the meanwhile .

Wanted to update that i was able to get the same results as Keras.
Not sure exactly what i’ve done wrong, but i tried to get the same embedding for the same input in both Keras and PyTorch (as mentioned above), there i saw i was getting different results!

So using the weight matrix (pre-training embedding one), i use in Keras, i plugged it in pretrained_embeddings and i was able to get the same result.
@tom - it would be great if you could respond to my previous message and outline how you’d go about debugging, i can definitely learn from your suggestion.

Thanks everybody who helped. I also use @ptrblck initialization (haven’t done ablation of not using it, yet)

Hi @vidyg ,

I’m struggling through the same issue, is it possible to share your code? It’ll be very helpful!


@DM24 So i don’t have the code already… but i outlined above how i got it resolved. There’s no other way than debugging it step by step. The first one i did was making sure the inputs they get are the same, so the data generator had the same seed and would generate same batch to both keras and pytorch. Then i evaluated the embedding matrix and saw that in keras i had a different one than i had in pytorch, so i converted the keras one to pytorch and plugged that in and saw that it worked. Hope it makes sense? if you could be more specific or refer to your thread that could be useful. I recommend making a new thread.