Same softmax values no matter what is the input problem

I tried to write my own simple classification model but encounter some very weird problem. as you can see below I tested the model on randomly generated values and expected to get different prediction labels from the softmax layer. However, I keep getting pretty much the same label on different instances. Moreover, the softmax vectors are quite similar. see below output examples
Can you please advise me and point the problem?

data = np.random.random((1000, 100))
labels = np.random.randint(13, size=1000)
labels = Variable(torch.from_numpy(labels).long())

class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ZigZagModel, self).__init__()
        self.input_layer = nn.Linear(100, 64)
        self.middle_layer = nn.Linear(64, 32)
        self.output_layer = nn.Linear(32, 13)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.input_layer(x))
        x = F.relu(self.middle_layer(x))
        x = F.relu(self.output_layer(x))
        return x
softmax_op = nn.Softmax()
loss_op = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

model = MyModel()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
train_size = data.shape[0]

for i in range(0, 200000):
    input_x = Variable(torch.Tensor(data[i % train_size, :]))
    x = model(input_x)
    x = x.unsqueeze(0)
    softmax = softmax_op(x)
    loss = loss_op(x, labels[i % train_size])
    # print the softmax
    # print the pred vs true label
    print(np.argmax(, "vs",[i%train_size])


[[ 0.0864875   0.07388693  0.07388693  0.08302182  0.08123572  0.07388693
   0.07388693  0.07388693  0.07388693  0.08427258  0.07388693  0.07388693
0 vs 2
[[ 0.08640617  0.07394336  0.07493041  0.08375949  0.08198079  0.07394336
   0.07394336  0.07394336  0.07394336  0.08137626  0.07394336  0.07394336
0 vs 11
[[ 0.08721988  0.07372069  0.0762369   0.08548821  0.07881035  0.07372069
   0.07372069  0.07372069  0.07372069  0.08247914  0.07372069  0.07372069
0 vs 3
[[ 0.08426634  0.07351052  0.07711877  0.08805882  0.0829467   0.07351052
   0.07351052  0.07351052  0.07351052  0.07952524  0.07351052  0.07351052
3 vs 6
[[ 0.08783976  0.07422064  0.07422064  0.08070375  0.07955535  0.07422064
   0.07422064  0.07422064  0.07422064  0.08391535  0.07422064  0.07422064
0 vs 11
[[ 0.09056024  0.07391413  0.07391413  0.08014151  0.07759341  0.07391413
   0.07391413  0.07391413  0.07391413  0.08647773  0.07391413  0.07391413
0 vs 6
[[ 0.08510514  0.07396153  0.07396153  0.08281226  0.08141673  0.07396153
   0.07396153  0.07396153  0.07396153  0.08501204  0.07396153  0.07396153
0 vs 2
[[ 0.08639476  0.07395539  0.07487675  0.08390874  0.08175325  0.07395539
   0.07395539  0.07395539  0.07395539  0.08142342  0.07395539  0.07395539
0 vs 3
[[ 0.08491787  0.0737853   0.07441458  0.08397128  0.08479271  0.0737853
   0.0737853   0.0737853   0.0737853   0.08162116  0.0737853   0.0737853
   0.0737853 ]]
0 vs 5
[[ 0.08539549  0.07431633  0.07440206  0.0826967   0.08185819  0.07431633
   0.07431633  0.07438069  0.07431633  0.08071043  0.07465844  0.07431633
0 vs 10
[[ 0.08677328  0.07366005  0.07612024  0.08513239  0.07851321  0.07366005
   0.07366005  0.07530047  0.07366005  0.08241236  0.07378771  0.07366005
0 vs 5
[[ 0.08555327  0.07402726  0.0745035   0.08586194  0.07993676  0.07402726
   0.07402726  0.07402726  0.07402726  0.08192644  0.07402726  0.07402726

I think you just forgot to call backward from loss

Just insert loss.backward() before optimizer.step() so that the gradients are computed.

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I just forgot to copy it here - edited the original post.
Any other ideas?

If this example is run as-is, i think it should work. Are you using a slightly different variant in practice? For example, after constructing the optimizer are you moving your model to .cuda() (rather than the corrrect ordering of model.cuda(); optimizer = ...)?