Search and modify layer/module outputs by name

Hi, I wish to extract/modify several module outputs from Resnet50 pre-trained model. I desire to do so before the dequantized layers. I decided to see the model graph with Netron to know which ones I want. Because of that, I transformed the torchvision model to a onnx model with the following code:

weights = models.ResNet50_QuantizedWeights.DEFAULT
model = models.resnet50(weights=weights, quantize=True)

dummy_input = torch.randn(125, 3, 224, 224)
input_names = [ "actual_input" ]
output_names = [ "output" ]


The resulting graph is the following:

The output I want is named “onnx::DequantizeLinear_148”, which is also the input of a dequantize layer. However, my problem is that I don’t know how to identify this output in the pytorch model. When I print the model, there are no names and the model’s graph changes completely:

How can I search the outputs by name and then modify or obtain for example, with some hooks? Any information or background or example code will help.

Thank you.

there is no dequantize op in the pytorch model.

you converted to onnx, which took a bunch of pytorch ops and converted them to onnx ops. This conversion isn’t 1 to 1 but often 1 to many, so it doesn’t exist. You may want to ask the onnx folks how you retrieve this conversion mapping.