Slicing with assignment in Libtorch - Pytorch C++

I have some code I am trying to convert to C++. What I am trying to understand is to convert this bit of code:

import torch
# first slice

X = torch.randn(32, 4468)
cond_mask = X <= 0
keep_val = torch.randn(32, 4468)

Y = torch.randn(32,4468)
Y[cond_mask] = keep_val[cond_mask]

# second slice
Z = torch.randn(32, 4468)
batch = 32
idx_l = torch.arange(0, 32, dtype=torch.long)
label = torch.tensor([3962, 3962, 1768, 1768, 3532, 3532,  245,  245,  201,  201,  900,  900,
        4176, 4176, 1539, 1539, 1932, 1932, 4017, 4017, 1807, 1807, 4211, 4211,
        4439, 4439,  701,  701,  554,  554, 1829, 1829])

Z[idx_l, label] = Y[idx_l, label]

I did not know what to do with the first slice, but I tried with the second.
I tried this on the second slice in c++, but this did not succeed.

auto tensoroptions = torch::TensorOptions().dtype(torch::kInt32);
auto idx_l = torch::arange(0, 32).to(tensoroptions);
Z.index_put({idx_l, label}, Y.slice(idx_l, label));

The reason i tried to change the datatype was to avoid thist error, but I still got the same error.

error: no viable conversion from ‘at::Tensor’ to
‘int64_t’ (aka ‘long long’)
output.index_put({idx_, label}, cos_theta_m.slice(idx_, label));

Hopefully someone can explain to me the way to go with slicing with assignment in C++.

Thank you in advance.