While training an autoencoder my memory usage will constantly increase over time (using up the full ~64GB available). Initially I thought it was just the loss function, buy I get the same behavior with both BCELoss and MSELoss.
I’ve read the FAQ about memory increasing and ensured that I’m not unintentionally keeping gradients in memory.
Attempting to split the data into mini-batches (“chunks” in the code example) does not change the behavior at all.
opt = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters())
loss_fn = nn.BCELoss()
# for reducing RAM usage use subsets of training data
subsets = 8
chunks = train_ingr.split(len(indexes)//subsets)
for i in range(epochs):
loss = loss_fn(net(chunks[i%subsets]), chunks[i%subsets])
I don’t think I’m doing anything in particular wrong. The network being trained is a simple dense linear autoencoder with activations. Everything is on CPU, so there shouldn’t be accidental copies created by moving data around.
Please let me know if I’ve missed something important.
Edit: adding memory profiling results:
------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Name Self CPU % Self CPU CPU total % CPU total CPU time avg CPU Mem Self CPU Mem # of Calls
------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
aten::empty_strided 0.10% 41.003ms 0.10% 41.003ms 1.544us 48.96 Gb 48.96 Gb 26562
aten::addmm 6.94% 2.900s 10.67% 4.457s 1.431ms 26.50 Gb 26.50 Gb 3114
aten::_softmax 11.82% 4.940s 11.82% 4.940s 9.518ms 25.85 Gb 25.85 Gb 519
aten::_softmax_backward_data 9.73% 4.064s 9.73% 4.064s 8.127ms 24.02 Gb 24.02 Gb 500
aten::empty_like 0.02% 8.228ms 0.08% 35.009ms 22.689us 49.73 Gb 2.55 Gb 1543
aten::mm 13.40% 5.600s 13.40% 5.600s 1.018ms 821.60 Mb 821.58 Mb 5500
aten::mish 3.77% 1.574s 3.77% 1.574s 758.274us 652.97 Mb 652.97 Mb 2076
aten::mish_backward 4.81% 2.009s 4.81% 2.012s 1.006ms 605.75 Mb 605.75 Mb 2000
aten::linear 0.12% 52.147ms 10.79% 4.509s 1.448ms 26.50 Gb 289.33 Mb 3114
aten::sqrt 0.10% 41.426ms 0.10% 41.426ms 6.904us 205.93 Mb 205.93 Mb 6000
aten::div 0.11% 44.089ms 0.20% 84.888ms 14.148us 205.93 Mb 205.46 Mb 6000
aten::tanh 0.03% 10.577ms 0.03% 10.577ms 20.380us 16.32 Mb 16.32 Mb 519
aten::tanh_backward 0.02% 7.644ms 0.02% 7.644ms 15.288us 14.93 Mb 14.93 Mb 500
MishBackward0 0.23% 94.971ms 4.83% 2.018s 1.009ms 590.21 Mb 12.26 Mb 2000
aten::sum 5.38% 2.246s 5.42% 2.264s 643.471us 6.34 Mb 6.31 Mb 3519
aten::to 0.10% 41.906ms 0.39% 163.319ms 6.392us 529.35 Kb 441.54 Kb 25550
aten::zero_ 0.00% 55.000us 0.00% 198.000us 8.250us 202.69 Kb 202.69 Kb 24
aten::_to_copy 0.25% 102.501ms 0.32% 133.250ms 5.326us 112.85 Kb 37.05 Kb 25019
aten::empty 0.01% 4.462ms 0.01% 4.462ms 1.763us 31.47 Kb 31.47 Kb 2531
aten::resolve_conj 0.00% 231.000us 0.00% 231.000us 0.011us 15.75 Kb 15.75 Kb 20247
------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------