Some additional output of forward() function


I’m currently rewrite a CUDA kernel about rendering, the goal I want to achieve is that rendering the depth map and normal vector map at the same time when I’m rendering the RGBA image. Previously, the code only offers the output from the forward function where the RGBA image is returned, so I need to add two more return value in the forward function. However, I do not want to calculate the gradient of this two new variable, but I do need to return it. Currently, the backward function which I do not change anything, need to more input regarding to the two new return value of the forward function. How could I just return the two variable and do not incorporate them into the gradient calculation?

    def forward(ctx, face_vertices, textures, image_size=256, 
                background_color=[0, 0, 0], near=1, far=100, 
                fill_back=True, eps=1e-3,
                sigma_val=1e-5, dist_func='euclidean', dist_eps=1e-4,
                gamma_val=1e-4, aggr_func_rgb='softmax', aggr_func_alpha='prod',

        # face_vertices: [nb, nf, 9]
        # textures: [nb, nf, 9]

        func_dist_map = {'hard': 0, 'barycentric': 1, 'euclidean': 2}
        func_rgb_map = {'hard': 0, 'softmax': 1}
        func_alpha_map = {'hard': 0, 'sum': 1, 'prod': 2}
        func_map_sample = {'surface': 0, 'vertex': 1}

        ctx.image_size = image_size
        ctx.background_color = background_color
        ctx.near = near
        ctx.far = far
        ctx.eps = eps
        ctx.sigma_val = sigma_val
        ctx.gamma_val = gamma_val
        ctx.func_dist_type = func_dist_map[dist_func]
        ctx.dist_eps = np.log(1. / dist_eps - 1.)
        ctx.func_rgb_type = func_rgb_map[aggr_func_rgb]
        ctx.func_alpha_type = func_alpha_map[aggr_func_alpha]
        ctx.texture_type = func_map_sample[texture_type]
        ctx.fill_back = fill_back

        face_vertices = face_vertices.clone()
        textures = textures.clone()

        ctx.device = face_vertices.device
        ctx.batch_size, ctx.num_faces = face_vertices.shape[:2]

        faces_info = torch.FloatTensor(ctx.batch_size, ctx.num_faces, 9*3).fill_(0.0).to(device=ctx.device) # [inv*9, sym*9, obt*3, 0*6]
        aggrs_info = torch.FloatTensor(ctx.batch_size, 2, ctx.image_size, ctx.image_size).fill_(0.0).to(device=ctx.device) 

        soft_colors = torch.FloatTensor(ctx.batch_size, 4, ctx.image_size, ctx.image_size).fill_(1.0).to(device=ctx.device) 
        soft_colors[:, 0, :, :] *= background_color[0]
        soft_colors[:, 1, :, :] *= background_color[1]
        soft_colors[:, 2, :, :] *= background_color[2]

        normal_maps = torch.FloatTensor(ctx.batch_size, 3, ctx.image_size, ctx.image_size).fill_(1.0).to(device=ctx.device) 
        normal_maps[:, 0, :, :] *= background_color[0]
        normal_maps[:, 1, :, :] *= background_color[1]
        normal_maps[:, 2, :, :] *= background_color[2]

        depth_maps = torch.FloatTensor(ctx.batch_size, 1, ctx.image_size, ctx.image_size).fill_(1.0).to(device=ctx.device) 
        depth_maps[:, 0, :, :] *= background_color[0]

        faces_info, aggrs_info, soft_colors, depth_maps, normal_maps = \
            soft_rasterize_cuda.forward_soft_rasterize(face_vertices, textures,
                                                       faces_info, aggrs_info,

                                                       depth_maps, normal_maps,

                                                       image_size, near, far, eps,
                                                       sigma_val, ctx.func_dist_type, ctx.dist_eps,
                                                       gamma_val, ctx.func_rgb_type, ctx.func_alpha_type,
                                                       ctx.texture_type, fill_back)

        ctx.save_for_backward(face_vertices, textures, soft_colors, faces_info, aggrs_info)
        return soft_colors, depth_maps, normal_maps  
        # the depth_maps, normal_maps are two new variables
    def backward(ctx, grad_soft_colors):

        face_vertices, textures, soft_colors, faces_info, aggrs_info = ctx.saved_tensors
        image_size = ctx.image_size
        background_color = ctx.background_color
        near = ctx.near
        far = ctx.far
        eps = ctx.eps
        sigma_val = ctx.sigma_val
        dist_eps = ctx.dist_eps
        gamma_val = ctx.gamma_val
        func_dist_type = ctx.func_dist_type
        func_rgb_type = ctx.func_rgb_type
        func_alpha_type = ctx.func_alpha_type
        texture_type = ctx.texture_type
        fill_back = ctx.fill_back

        grad_faces = torch.zeros_like(face_vertices, dtype=torch.float32).to(ctx.device).contiguous()
        grad_textures = torch.zeros_like(textures, dtype=torch.float32).to(ctx.device).contiguous()
        grad_soft_colors = grad_soft_colors.contiguous()

        grad_faces, grad_textures = \
            soft_rasterize_cuda.backward_soft_rasterize(face_vertices, textures, soft_colors, 
                                                        faces_info, aggrs_info,
                                                        grad_faces, grad_textures, grad_soft_colors, 
                                                        image_size, near, far, eps,
                                                        sigma_val, func_dist_type, dist_eps,
                                                        gamma_val, func_rgb_type, func_alpha_type,
                                                        texture_type, fill_back)

        return grad_faces, grad_textures, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

def soft_rasterize(face_vertices, textures, image_size=256, 
                   background_color=[0, 0, 0], near=1, far=100, 
                   fill_back=True, eps=1e-3,
                   sigma_val=1e-5, dist_func='euclidean', dist_eps=1e-4,
                   gamma_val=1e-4, aggr_func_rgb='softmax', aggr_func_alpha='prod',
    if face_vertices.device == "cpu":
        raise TypeError('Rasterize module supports only cuda Tensors')

    return SoftRasterizeFunction.apply(face_vertices, textures, image_size, 
                                       background_color, near, far,
                                       fill_back, eps,
                                       sigma_val, dist_func, dist_eps,
                                       gamma_val, aggr_func_rgb, aggr_func_alpha, 

I think you want ctx.mark_non_differentiable.
It does not, however, spare you from taking a second grad_out argument in the backward even if it will be all zero (and indeed fully materialized at the moment):

class MyFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, inp):
        out2 = inp * 3
        return inp * 2, out2
    def backward(ctx, grad_out_1, grad_out_2):
        return grad_out_1 * 2

Best regards


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Thanks Tom, I’ll have a try. So does it means I could just make the additional output (like the out2 in your example) non differentiable and add two more position in the python code of backward(), without changing the CUDA kernel? Thanks!

I think so. What you compute inside the autograd.Function is largely up to you.

If you use 1.7, you can add a ctx.set_materialize_grads(False) in the forward to avoid the materialization of the grad_out and it will be None (see doc).


Thanks Alban! Glad that made it in 1.7. :slight_smile:

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Thanks Alban and Tom, actually I’m using 1.1.0. Currently I cannot build my code for some unknown reason. I’ll try your methods once the code could be built. Thank you guys!