SparseGradient with torch.cuda.Amp


I see in the new release of pytorch 1.6 that torch.cuda.amp should support SparseGradient.
Does that mean we can now use Embedding with sparse option = True ?

If that’s the case, how to train the model ? I tried to use the example on the pytorch doc but got the error message : "RuntimeError: Could not run 'aten::_amp_non_finite_check_and_unscale_' with arguments from the 'SparseCUDA' backend. 'aten::_amp_non_finite_check_and_unscale_' is only available for these backends: [CUDA, Autograd, Profiler, Tracer]. ". I was using SparseAdam for the embedding and AdamW for the other layers.

# Model class 

class TextClassifier(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_class=1, vocab_size=1000):
        self.embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=vocab_size, embedding_dim=200, sparse=True)
        self.norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm(200)
        self.rnn = torch.nn.GRU(200, 256, bidirectional=True)
        self.cls = torch.nn.Linear(512, num_class)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.embeddings(x)
        x = self.norm(x)
        x, _ = self.rnn(x)
        x = x.max(1)[0]
        x = self.cls(x)
        return x

# Creates model and optimizer in default precision
model = TextClassifier(1,50000)

embeddings_name = {"embeddings.weight"}
param_optimizer = [(n,p) for n, p in list(model.named_parameters()) if n not in set(embeddings_name) ]
param_optimizer2 =[(n,p) for n, p in list(model.named_parameters()) if n in set(embeddings_name) ]
no_decay = ['bias', 'LayerNorm.bias', 'LayerNorm.weight']
params2 = [
        {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.001},
        {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0}]

params1 = [
        {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer2 if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.001},
        {'params': [p for n, p in param_optimizer2 if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0}]

optimizer = [optim.SparseAdam(params1, lr=lr), AdamW(params2, lr=lr)]

# Creates a GradScaler once at the beginning of training.
scaler = GradScaler()

for epoch in epochs:
    for input, target in data:
        for opt in optimizer:

        # Runs the forward pass with autocasting.
        with autocast():
            output = model(input)
            loss = loss_fn(output, target)

        # Scales loss.  Calls backward() on scaled loss to create scaled gradients.
        # Backward passes under autocast are not recommended.
        # Backward ops run in the same dtype autocast chose for corresponding forward ops.

        # scaler.step() first unscales the gradients of the optimizer's assigned params.
        # If these gradients do not contain infs or NaNs, optimizer.step() is then called,
        # otherwise, optimizer.step() is skipped.
        for opt in optimizer:

        # Updates the scale for next iteration.

UPDATE: add Model class. AdamW comes from Huggingface library. But even with Adam it is not working.

Could you post the Net definition as well as the creation of param1 and param2 so that we could reproduce it, please?

@ptrblck Thanks for you reply. I have updated the original post adding the model class.