spconv with jit script problem

Hello, everyone.
I have to use spconv.conv.py,

I got error in this place.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “trace_smallnet.py”, line 27, in
sm = torch.jit.script(net_middle)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1162, in script
return _convert_to_script_module(obj)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1812, in _convert_to_script_module
return WeakScriptModuleProxy(mod, stubs)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1386, in init_then_register
original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1736, in init
_create_methods_from_stubs(self, stubs)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1347, in _create_methods_from_stubs
self._c._create_methods(self, defs, rcbs, defaults)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 982, in _make_strong_submodule
new_strong_submodule = _convert_to_script_module(module)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1812, in _convert_to_script_module
return WeakScriptModuleProxy(mod, stubs)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1386, in init_then_register
original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1736, in init
_create_methods_from_stubs(self, stubs)
File “/home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/init.py”, line 1347, in _create_methods_from_stubs
self._c._create_methods(self, defs, rcbs, defaults)
Arguments for call are not valid.
The following operator variants are available:

aten::_set_item(Tensor l, int idx, Tensor(b) el) -> (Tensor):
Expected a value of type ‘List[Tensor]’ for argument ‘l’ but instead found type ‘Dict[str, Tensor]’.

aten::_set_item(int l, int idx, int el) -> (int):
Expected a value of type ‘List[int]’ for argument ‘l’ but instead found type ‘Dict[str, Tensor]’.

aten::_set_item(float l, int idx, float el) -> (float):
Expected a value of type ‘List[float]’ for argument ‘l’ but instead found type ‘Dict[str, Tensor]’.

aten::_set_item(bool l, int idx, bool el) -> (bool):
Expected a value of type ‘List[bool]’ for argument ‘l’ but instead found type ‘Dict[str, Tensor]’.

aten::_set_item(t l, int idx, t(b) el) -> (t):
Could not match type Dict[str, Tensor] to List[t] in argument ‘l’: Cannot match List[t] to Dict[str, Tensor].

aten::_set_item(Dict(str, t)(a) l, str idx, t(b) v) -> ():
Could not match type Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor] to t in argument ‘v’: Type variable ‘t’ previously matched to type Tensor is matched to type Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor].

aten::_set_item(Dict(int, t)(a) l, int idx, t(b) v) -> ():
Expected a value of type ‘Dict[int, t]’ for argument ‘l’ but instead found type ‘Dict[str, Tensor]’.

aten::_set_item(Dict(float, t)(a) l, float idx, t(b) v) -> ():
Expected a value of type ‘Dict[float, t]’ for argument ‘l’ but instead found type ‘Dict[str, Tensor]’.

The original call is:
at /home/liangdao/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spconv/conv.py:320:13

        outids = temp__[0]
        indice_pairs = temp__[1]
        indice_pair_num = temp__[2]
        indice_dict[self.indice_key] = (outids, indices,
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...  <--- HERE
    if self.fused_bn:
        assert self.bias is not None
        out_features = ops.fused_indice_conv(
            features, self.weight, self.bias, indice_pairs.to(device),'__module__.__torch__.torchplus.tools.DefaultArgLayer.forward' is being compiled since it was called from '__module__.__torch__.models.middle.SpMiddleFHD.forward'

at /home/liangdao/second.pytorch/impl_DL/py_cxx_integration/py_scripts/sample_model/models/middle.py:119:9
def forward(self, voxel_features, coors):
# coors[:, 1] += 1

    coors = coors.int()
    ret = spconv.SparseConvTensor(voxel_features, coors,self.sparse_shape,self.batch_size)
    ret = self.SubMConv3d_0(ret,ret.spatial_shape,ret.indice_dict,self.time_process,ret.indices)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE
    ret.features = F.relu(self.BatchNorm1d_16(ret.features))
    self.time_process += 1
    ret = self.SubMConv3d_00(ret,ret.spatial_shape,ret.indice_dict,self.time_process,ret.indices)
    ret.features = F.relu(self.BatchNorm1d_16(ret.features))
    self.time_process += 1
    ret = self.SpConv3d_0(ret,ret.spatial_shape,ret.indice_dict,self.time_process,ret.indices)
    ret.features = F.relu(self.BatchNorm1d_32(ret.features))

can somebody help me to solve this issue?