Stacking tensor twice

I have this function that stacks feature together before sending to encoder-decoder (I am new to Transformers):

    def stack_features(features, something):
        for ft in features:
            l = torch.stack(ft, dim=0)
         # maximum number of rows among the tensors
        max_rows = max(l.size(1) for ft in features)
        # Padding to make sizes compatible
        padded_data = [torch.nn.functional.pad(l, (0, 0, 0, max_rows  - l.size(1))) for ft in features]
        k = []
        for x in padded_data:
        outx = torch.stack(k, 0)

        return outx

It outputs (2, 8, 132)

However I get this error:

signjoey\", line 674, in forward
    o = self.feed_forward(self.dropout(h2) + h1)
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (16) must match the size of tensor b (8) at non-singleton dimension 1

Upon checking the h1 and h2 from this function have different shapes
h1 is [2, 8, 512] and h2 is [2, 16, 512]

class TransformerDecoderLayer(nn.Module):
    Transformer decoder layer.

    Consists of self-attention, source-attention, and feed-forward.

    def __init__(
        self, size: int = 0, ff_size: int = 0, num_heads: int = 0, dropout: float = 0.1
        Represents a single Transformer decoder layer.

        It attends to the source representation and the previous decoder states.

        :param size: model dimensionality
        :param ff_size: size of the feed-forward intermediate layer
        :param num_heads: number of heads
        :param dropout: dropout to apply to input
        super(TransformerDecoderLayer, self).__init__()
        self.size = size

        self.trg_trg_att = MultiHeadedAttention(num_heads, size, dropout=dropout)
        self.src_trg_att = MultiHeadedAttention(num_heads, size, dropout=dropout)

        self.feed_forward = PositionwiseFeedForward(
            input_size=size, ff_size=ff_size, dropout=dropout

        self.x_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(size, eps=1e-6)
        self.dec_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(size, eps=1e-6)

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    def forward(
        x: Tensor = None,
        memory: Tensor = None,
        src_mask: Tensor = None,
        trg_mask: Tensor = None,
    ) -> Tensor:
        Forward pass of a single Transformer decoder layer.

        :param x: inputs
        :param memory: source representations
        :param src_mask: source mask
        :param trg_mask: target mask (so as to not condition on future steps)
        :return: output tensor
        # decoder/target self-attention
        x_norm = self.x_layer_norm(x)
        h1 = self.trg_trg_att(x_norm, x_norm, x_norm, mask=trg_mask)
        h1 = self.dropout(h1) + x

        # source-target attention
        h1_norm = self.dec_layer_norm(h1)
        h2 = self.src_trg_att(memory, memory, h1_norm, mask=src_mask)

        # final position-wise feed-forward layer
        o = self.feed_forward(self.dropout(h2) + h1)

        return o

The original code for stack_features is this

    def stack_features(features, something):
        return torch.stack([torch.stack(ft, dim=0) for ft in features], dim=0)

I edited it to the one above because my features are of different size in dim=1. Now I notice that in the original code, they applied stacking twice. I would like to ask for insight how to modify my modified function of stack_features to allow stacking twice so that the tensor with shape (2, 8, 132) will have (2,16,132)

Thank you in advance