Tensors on different GPUs ConvLSTM

I am running this ConvLSTM code which is slightly changed from CortexNet implementation of ConvLSTM. But I am getting RuntimeError: tensors are on different GPUs. Could anyone help me direct where I am doing it wrong? I

import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as f
from torch.autograd import Variable

# Define some constants

class ConvLSTMCell(nn.Module):
    Generate a convolutional LSTM cell

    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size):
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.Gates = nn.Conv2d(input_size + hidden_size, 4 * hidden_size, KERNEL_SIZE, padding=PADDING)

    def forward(self, input_, prev_state):

        # get batch and spatial sizes
        batch_size = input_.data.size()[0]
        spatial_size = input_.data.size()[2:]
        if prev_state is None:
            state_size = [batch_size, self.hidden_size] + list(spatial_size)
            prev_state = (
        prev_hidden, prev_cell = prev_state
        prev_hidden, prev_cell = prev_hidden.cuda(),prev_cell.cuda()
        stacked_inputs = torch.cat([input_, prev_hidden], 1)
        gates = self.Gates(stacked_inputs)

        # chunk across channel dimension
        in_gate, remember_gate, out_gate, cell_gate = gates.chunk(4, 1)

        # apply sigmoid non linearity
        in_gate = f.sigmoid(in_gate)
        remember_gate = f.sigmoid(remember_gate)
        out_gate = f.sigmoid(out_gate)

        # apply tanh non linearity
        cell_gate = f.tanh(cell_gate)

        # compute current cell and hidden state
        cell = (remember_gate * prev_cell) + (in_gate * cell_gate)
        hidden = out_gate * f.tanh(cell)

        return hidden, cell

def _main():
    Run some basic tests on the API

    # define batch_size, channels, height, width
    b, c, h, w = 1, 3, 4, 8
    d = 5           # hidden state size
    lr = 1e-1       # learning rate
    T = 6           # sequence length
    max_epoch = 20  # number of epochs

    # set manual seed

    print('Instantiate model')
    model = ConvLSTMCell(c, d)

    print('Create input and target Variables')
    x = Variable(torch.rand(T, b, c, h, w))
    y = Variable(torch.randn(T, b, d, h, w))
    x = x.cuda()
    y = y.cuda()

    print('Create a MSE criterion')
    loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()

    print('Run for', max_epoch, 'iterations')
    for epoch in range(0, max_epoch):
        state = None
        loss = 0
        for t in range(0, T):
            state = model(x[t], state)
            loss += loss_fn(state[0], y[t])

        print(' > Epoch {:2d} loss: {:.3f}'.format((epoch+1), loss.data[0]))

        # zero grad parameters

        # compute new grad parameters through time!

        # learning_rate step against the gradient
        for p in model.parameters():
            p.data.sub_(p.grad.data * lr)

if __name__ == '__main__':

__author__ = "Alfredo Canziani"
__credits__ = ["Alfredo Canziani"]
__maintainer__ = "Alfredo Canziani"
__email__ = "alfredo.canziani@gmail.com"
__status__ = "Prototype"  # "Prototype", "Development", or "Production"
__date__ = "Jan 17"

I haven’t looked closely in your code, but I had a similar problem and the reason was that I forgot convert the model to cuda.

model = ConvLSTMCell(c,d).cuda()

It can also be any other variable that you forgot to attatch cuda. Hope it helps!