Test accuracy is increasing when calculated at intermediate epochs vs at the last epoch

Hi all,

I’m a newbie with NN and PyTorch and trying to implement a small network as shown in the following code. The problem is if I’m calculating Test accuracy at intermediate epochs, my final test accuracy is increasing, compared to if I only estimate it at the last epoch. It looks like maybe there is some test data leakage to training step, however, I’m not able to debug it.

The test accuracy when estimated only at last epoch (150) is 78%. However, if estimated at intermediate epochs (every 15th or 30th etc., result does not change much) as well, the accuracy at the 150th epoch increases to 87%. Train accuracy is always reaching 100%, it is over-trained.

I’ve a custom train-test data distribution code, based on some pre-known features of data, which is not shown below. However, similar behavior is observed with random_split(), with a small increase from 85% to 87%.

Any help will be appreciated.


# %% All classes and functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Writing custom dataset
class RF_dataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, file_name):
        data = scipy.io.loadmat(file_name)
        # Data arranged as [batch_size,n_feature,feature_length]
        # In Pytorch images are represented as [batch_siz,channels,height,width]
        # This can be compared to images, with 4 channels and height of feature_length, width of 1
        self.X = data['featVec'] # Can change this to featVec, featVec_1, featVec_2, featVec_3
        # Only use with object features
        self.X = self.X[:,[0,4,12,13],:]   # Features: Using only RSSI and Phase with object
        self.Y = data['labelVec']    # Labels: #Objects {0,5}
        self.LocTag = data['LocTag'] # Location Tag: Based on pre-defined scheme nData x 5
        self.PosTag = data['PosTag'] # Posture Tag: 1=stand, 2=sit, for three people looks like 211
        self.nStand = data['nStand'] # Number of standing people
        self.nSit = data['nSit']     # Number of sitting people
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.X)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        sample = self.X[idx]
        return (self.Y[idx],sample)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Network definition
class occupancyCounting(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        n_CW = 120 # This directly affects accuracy if value is low.

        nFeat = 4
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(nFeat,n_CW,kernel_size=5, stride=4, padding=1) #featvec
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(n_CW,int(n_CW/2) , kernel_size=64, stride=35, padding=1) #featvec
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(int(n_CW/2),6,kernel_size=24, stride=10, padding=0) #featvec
        self.maxPool1 = nn.MaxPool1d(kernel_size=8,stride=4,padding=0)
        self.avgPool1 = nn.AvgPool1d(kernel_size=5)       
        self.drop1 = nn.Dropout(p=0.2)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = (F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
        x =  (F.relu(self.conv2(x))) #featvec
        x = self.avgPool1(F.relu(self.conv3(x)))
        x = self.drop1(x)
        return x
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Performing weighted selection without replacement for location tags    
def WeightedSelectionWithoutReplacement(weights, m):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/352670/weighted-random-selection-with-and-without-replacement
    elt = [(math.log(random.random()) / weights[i], i) for i in range(len(weights))]
    return [x[1] for x in heapq.nlargest(m, elt)]   
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#%% Main function: Including training and testing model

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dataset = RF_dataset(file_name)
    data_normalize = False               # Normalize data?

    # -----------------------------
    # Train-test data distribution
    fractionTrain = 0.75
    trainset, testset = random_split(dataset, [int(fractionTrain*len(dataset)), len(dataset)-int(fractionTrain*len(dataset))])

    batchsize_train = 50
    train_loader = DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=batchsize_train,shuffle=True)
    batchsize_test = len(testset)
    test_loader = DataLoader(testset, batch_size=batchsize_test, shuffle=False)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # %% Start Training Block
    #hyperparameter definition    
    model = occupancyCounting()
    learning_rate = 0.008  # 0.02, 0.008
    momentum = 0.1
    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
    optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)

    EPOCHS = 150
    train_loss_epoch = []      # Training Loss every epoch
    train_acc_epoch = []
    train_time_epoch = []      # Training time accumulating from the 0th epoch 
    test_loss_n_epoch = []     # Test Loss every nth epoch
    test_acc_n_epoch =[]       # Test accuracy every nth epoch
    total_acc_n_epoch = []     # Total accuracy every nth epoch
    count_n_epoch = []         # Counting every nth epoch
    start_time = time.time()
    for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        train_loss = 0
        correct_train = []
        for Y_train,X_train in train_loader:
            current_batchsize = X_train.shape[0]
            feat_length = X_train.shape[2]
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            X_train = X_train.float()
            Y_train = Y_train.view(-1,Y_train.shape[1])
            Y_train = Y_train.long()            
            output_train = model(X_train)                 
            loss = F.cross_entropy(output_train,Y_train)         # Computing total loss of this batch
            loss.backward()                          #calculate the gradient decent
            optimizer.step()                         #update the weight
                               # Clean-up step for PyTorch
            train_loss = train_loss + (loss*current_batchsize/len(train_loader.dataset)) # Loss for each epoch
            with torch.no_grad():
                output_train = model(X_train)
                symbol_train = output_train.data
                symbol_train = symbol_train.max(dim=1).indices
        correct_train = [ item for sublist in correct_train for item in sublist]   
        correct_train = np.asarray(correct_train)  
        correct_train = correct_train.reshape(-1)
        train_accuracy = correct_train.sum()/len(train_loader.dataset)
        train_loss_epoch.append(float(train_loss))   # Appending Training loss for the epoch
        if (epoch+1)%10 == 0:
            # Update Plot with some random case every 5 epochs
            plt.plot(Y_train[0], 'bo')
            plt.plot(symbol_train[0], 'rx')
            plt.title('epoch: %i , Training loss is ' %(epoch+1) + '%f'%float(train_loss))
        if (epoch+1)%15 == 0:
            count_n_epoch.append(epoch+1)              # Current Epoch
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            #evaluation: # Update test loss & accuracy every n epochs
            with torch.no_grad():
                correct_test = []
                test_loss = 0
                for Y_test, X_test in test_loader:
                   current_batchsize = X_test.shape[0]
                   feat_length = X_test.shape[2]
                   # -----------------------------------------------------------------
                   X_test = X_test.float()
                   Y_test = Y_test.view(-1,Y_test.shape[1])
                   Y_test = Y_test.long()      
                   output_test = model(X_test)
                   test_loss = test_loss + (F.cross_entropy(output_test,Y_test) * current_batchsize/len(test_loader.dataset))
                   symbol_test = output_test.data
                   symbol_test = symbol_test.max(dim=1).indices
                correct_test = [ item for sublist in correct_test for item in sublist]   
                correct_test = np.asarray(correct_test)  
                correct_test = correct_test.reshape(-1)
                test_accuracy = correct_test.sum()/len(test_loader.dataset)
                print('Epoch: %i' %(epoch+1),', Train loss: %0.2f' %(float(train_loss)),', Train Accuracy: %0.2f' %train_accuracy)
                print('Epoch: %i' %(epoch+1),', Test loss: %0.2f' %(float(test_loss)),', Test Accuracy: %0.2f' %test_accuracy)

What might be happening is that you network’s capacity might be too much for a very simple dataset which is why it is overfitting. I would recommend having a validation and use early stopping based on that.

What do you mean by network capacity?

However, the problem is not over-fitting, that would be the next step. In order to do that I’m plotting training and testing accuracy at intermediate epochs. But the test accuracy at the last epoch changes depending on if I’m doing testing at intermediate epochs or not, which is strange.

Did you find the reason?

@ptrblck Do you have any thoughts about this issue?

No, I didn’t. Maybe my implementation of DataLoader is incorrect… I’m still confounded by this behavior. Since I have a very small dataset, I simply created a customized way of reading the data - that solved the issue.

My best guess would be that model.eval() might have been forgotten in the evaluation code, which would update the running stats of all batchnorm layers with the test set and would thus leak the data.

The current code snippet calls model.eval() during the last iteration of the training, but I would recommend to add it to the validation function explicitly in case it was reset somewhere else to training mode.

Let me know, if that doesn’t help.

I had model.eval() in my code but the issue still exists.

I tried to reproduce the issue on a very small architecture on MNIST. Here is the link: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1A6Ey6Z6mhUBWBP5Y-EwNIIFyg_q6JGkQ?usp=sharing

When test() is called at the end of the training only, accuracy 9508/10000
When test() is called during the training as well, accuracy: 9484/10000

Thanks for the code.
It seems that the additional call of the test method inside the training loop calls into the pseudo-random number generator and thus changes the order of the training data in the next step.
This will result in a bit noise during the training, which thus yields a different end result.

You can check it by printing the sum of the data samples in your training loop (which can be seen as a “unique value” for the sample).
If I add a seeding inside the training loop to make sure the train_loader uses the same order of samples, I get the same results for the additional test call and just the final one:

 for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
        train(model, device, train_loader, optimizer, epoch,log_interval)
        #test(model, device, test_loader) # uncommenting this line produces the same result now

    test(model, device, test_loader)

I’m unsure, where the test_loader is using random numbers, but based on the current workaround, this is my best guess.


Thank you @ptrblck for this solution, it works for me! And thanks @Ghada_Sokar for bringing this up again.

I could see that calling test_loader causes this issue, without even evaluating the model on test data. However, I did set torch.manual_seed(1) before doing training and testing - but it seems like it is overwritten when test_loader is called, and unless I manually reset it again before training, it works differently. Also, why is the seed updated in every epoch as above (seed+epoch), Is it to ensure that data is randomized differently in each epoch?


Yes, I didn’t want to reuse the same seed again, as the data wouldn’t be “randomly” shuffled anymore in each epoch.
I’m still unsure, where the PRNG is used in creating the test_loader, as it’s not shuffling the data etc.

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I have meet the similar problem, I set torch.manual_seed(1) in train loop, and it works! I want to know why the seeds is overwritten when test_loader is called, even I have set the seed in ttorch.utils.data.DataLoader(). Do you have any idea? Thanks!