The cuda kernel used by pytorch matrix multiplication

When testing matrix multiplication with pytorch,
If the scale of matrix multiplication is m=10240,n=5120,k=5120.The cuda kernel used by pytorch matrix multiplication is:

but when the scale of matrix multiplication is m=40960,n=20480,k=10240,the result is:

when m=40960,n=20480,k=10240,the cuda kernel not in use?

the code is:

import torch
import time

torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True

m = 40960
n = 20480
k = 5120

input = torch.randn(m, k, dtype=torch.float32,device=‘cuda’)
weight = torch.randn(k, n, dtype=torch.float32,device=‘cuda’)

output = torch.matmul(input, weight)

The second output doesn’t show any matmul kernel execution.
Which device are you using and were you running into an error (e.g. OOM)?

My device is RTX A5000.
What is the function of the cuda kernel “distribution elementwise grid stride kernel” ?
I looked at it again. I think it was OOM. Thanks~

This kernel should be called by the randn operation.

I get it!
Thank you your reply!