Torch.fx.GraphModule with Torch.jit.script gives warning

I am working on a model that utilize GraphModule, and convert it to TorchScript. The model I trained gives reasonable results, but every time I initialize a new model the following warning always pop up.

UserWarning: The TorchScript type system doesn’t support instance-level annotations on empty non-base types in __init__. Instead, either 1) use a type annotation in the class body, or 2) wrap the type in torch.jit.Attribute.

When I looked at Torch.fx.GraphModule.__init__, I found these lines

    # Dictionary to store metadata
    self.meta: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    self._replace_hook = None
    self._create_node_hooks: List[Callable] = []
    self._erase_node_hooks: List[Callable] = []

which likely are the reasons for the warning. I tried deleting the annotations to

    # Dictionary to store metadata
    self.meta = {}
    self._replace_hook = None
    self._create_node_hooks = []
    self._erase_node_hooks = []

and the warning disappear. I would like to know the reason behind the warning, i.e., why jit.script doesn’t want the annotations of empty collections in __init__, and what is the proper practice to handle this without modifying Torch.fx.GraphModule.__init__.

My model is based on python-3.11.9, and torch-2.4.1 with cuda-11.8.