Torch.pinverse() seems to be inaccurate

I encountered an unexpected failure in an algorithm I am developing and I have tracked it down to inaccuracy in the PyTorch implementation of the pseudoinverse.

To investigate this I wrote a pseudoinverse function using the QR decomposition:

def pinv(A):
    Return the pseudoinverse of A,
    without invoking the SVD in torch.pinverse().

    Could also use (but doesn't avoid the SVD):
    rows,cols = A.size()
    if rows >= cols:
        Q,R = torch.qr(A)
        return R.inverse().mm(Q.t())
        Q,R = torch.qr(A.t())
        return R.inverse().mm(Q.t()).t()

I tested a random tall & thin matrix and it’s transpose:

>>> A = torch.randn(20,10)
>>> B = A.t()

I checked the accuracy of the inverses:

>>> torch.dist(torch.eye(10), pinv(A).mm(A))
>>> torch.dist(torch.eye(10), A.pinverse().mm(A))

>>> torch.dist(torch.eye(10),
>>> torch.dist(torch.eye(10),

So, it seems that the built-in torch.pinverse() has some accuracy problems (I suspect this comes from the SVD implementation).

Any linear algebra experts on this forum have any comments on this?
Should I worry about the R matrix in the decomposition possibly being not invertible?

After some more testing I did find a case where R is singular.

So I guess a better solution is:

def pinv(A):
    Return the pseudoinverse of A using the QR decomposition.
    Q,R = torch.qr(A)
    return R.pinverse().mm(Q.t())

This doesn’t solve the accuracy problem in the SVD, but it does solve my original problem where the mostly integer and low-precision values in my matrices are now being computed correctly.

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I have a similar problem as posted here Does anyone know how to solve it?