Torch.set_default_device(device) in CPP

I am trying to replicate this.
Now, this magical(to me) line of code - torch.set_default_device(device) creates all the tensors on the device - for me it is cuda.
I want to know how would I implement this same line in cpp and things to keep in mind.
Currently I have tried assigning some tensors(probably all), model and optimizer to CUDA. Code link.
Thank you!

@Mohit_Kumar , the link raises 404.

My bad, the code was private - now it is public.

You code initializes the device to CPU, checks for CUDA and switch to CUDA if a card is found:

torch::Device device = torch::kCPU;

void initialize_device() {
    if (torch::cuda::is_available()) {
        device = torch::kCUDA;
        std::cout << "Using CUDA device\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "Using CPU device\n";

If you just want CPU, change initialize_device

void initialize_device() {

Now it will be CPU.

@Dirk10001 thanks for reading the code. We have set_default_device(my_device) in python - then my tensors over that script, probably my model and optimizer are initialized my_device. But we don’t have something similar for cpp.