I am trying to reproduce a previous work that used pytorch 1.4.0+cu100, and torch_sparse 0.6.1. However, after I run the model, the error message
OSError: libcusparse.so.10.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
is produced under one of torch_sparse function. I thought that pytorch is shipped with cuda dependencies, or is it not true for the older pytorch versions. So, I’m not sure what is the problem with my set up.
I don’t know if torch_sparse depends on a locally installed CUDA toolkit, but installing the version you’ve mentioned together with torch==1.4.0+cu101 fails directly with:
python -c "import torch; import torch_sparse"
OSError: libcudart.so.10.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Pointing to a missing libcudart.so.
The PyTorch binaries ship with their own CUDA runtime lib as:
adding the SHA value into its name to avoid conflicts during lazy loading.
Since torch_sparse tries to load libcudart.so directly and does not ship with it:
Thanks for your answer. Would there be any conflict if I install CUDA toolkit for 10.0 along side 11.8 in my local machine? since most of my projects use 11.8.