Torch::where doesn`t work

Hi, i have the follow code:

torch::Tensor a = torch::tensor({1, 2, 3, 6});
torch::Tensor b = torch::tensor({0, 2, 3, 4});
auto result = torch::cat({a,b});
auto resultU = at::_unique2(result,true,true, true);
auto acat = std::get<0>(resultU);
auto cond = std::get<2>(resultU);
auto wh = torch::where(cond > 1);
auto intersection = acat.index({1});
std::cout << “acat\n” << acat << “\ncond\n” << cond << “\nwh\n” << wh << “\ninter\n” << intersection << std::endl;

and torch::where doesn’t work. I expect at::Tensor as return value, but get vector of at::Tensor . If i use torch::where like auto wh = torch::where(cond > 1, cond,1); i just get the copy of tensor cond. What did i do wrong?