Train for number of iterations rather than number of epochs

In a typical training loop in PyTorch, we have a enumerate(dataloader) under epoch loop.

How can I change this to number of iterations rather than epochs?

something like this :slight_smile:

tot_iter = 0
max_iterations = 100

while True:   # if you want to iterate for inf epochs, use this endless loop
    for batch_index, data in enumerate(data_loader, 0):, backpropr, etc...
        tot_iter += 1  
        if tot_iter >= max_iterations:
    if stop:
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Yeah that works for sure. Thanks.

see this link:mmengine/ at main Ā· open-mmlab/mmengine Ā· GitHub
the class ā€˜_InfiniteDataloaderIteratorā€™ may help you

class _InfiniteDataloaderIterator:
    """An infinite dataloader iterator wrapper for IterBasedTrainLoop.

    It resets the dataloader to continue iterating when the iterator has
    iterated over all the data. However, this approach is not efficient, as the
    workers need to be restarted every time the dataloader is reset. It is
    recommended to use `mmengine.dataset.InfiniteSampler` to enable the
    dataloader to iterate infinitely.

    def __init__(self, dataloader: DataLoader) -> None:
        self._dataloader = dataloader
        self._iterator = iter(self._dataloader)
        self._epoch = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self) -> Sequence[dict]:
            data = next(self._iterator)
        except StopIteration:
                'Reach the end of the dataloader, it will be '
                'restarted and continue to iterate. It is '
                'recommended to use '
                '`mmengine.dataset.InfiniteSampler` to enable the '
                'dataloader to iterate infinitely.',
            self._epoch += 1
            if hasattr(self._dataloader, 'sampler') and hasattr(
                    self._dataloader.sampler, 'set_epoch'):
                # In case the` _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter` has no sampler,
                # or data loader uses `SequentialSampler` in Pytorch.

            elif hasattr(self._dataloader, 'batch_sampler') and hasattr(
                    self._dataloader.batch_sampler.sampler, 'set_epoch'):
                # In case the` _SingleProcessDataLoaderIter` has no batch
                # sampler. batch sampler in pytorch warps the sampler as its
                # attributes.
            time.sleep(2)  # Prevent possible deadlock during epoch transition
            self._iterator = iter(self._dataloader)
            data = next(self._iterator)
        return data