Training Loss is Not Going Down

Hello, I am a begginer AI developer attempting to train my first model. I have gone through everything and can not figure out why my training loss will not go down. Going through it, I have found that it is because my gradient for the convolutional blocks are staying at 0.0 and I can not figure out why. Any help would be much appreciated

import torch
from torch import nn
from pathlib import Path
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
import os

device = “cuda” if torch.cuda.is_available() else “cpu”

DATA_PATH = Path(“data/”)
imagePathList = list(DATA_PATH.glob(“//*”)) # Creates list of paths to ALL images

data_transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize(size=(64, 64)),

trainData = datasets.ImageFolder(root=DATA_PATH/“train”, transform=data_transform)
testData = datasets.ImageFolder(root=DATA_PATH/“test”, transform=data_transform)

classNames = trainData.classes

BATCH_SIZE = 1 # Adjusted for better training dynamics
trainDataLoader = DataLoader(dataset=trainData, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
testDataLoader = DataLoader(dataset=testData, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=False)

class ASLModel(nn.Module):
def init(self, input_shape, hidden_units, output_shapes):
self.convolutional_block1 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(in_channels=input_shape, out_channels=hidden_units, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units, out_channels=hidden_units, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),

    self.convolutional_block2 = nn.Sequential(
        nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units, out_channels=hidden_units, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
        nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units, out_channels=hidden_units, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),

    self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
        nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_units*32*32, # Adjusted for output size

def forward(self, x):
    x = self.convolutional_block1(x)
    x = self.convolutional_block2(x)
    x = self.classifier(x)
    return x

def accuracy_fn(y_true, y_pred):
correct = torch.eq(y_true, y_pred).sum().item()
acc = (correct / len(y_pred)) * 100
return acc

model = ASLModel(input_shape=3, hidden_units=30, output_shapes=len(classNames))

lossFunction = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
modelOptimizer = torch.optim.SGD(params=model.parameters(), lr=0.1) # Adjusted learning rate

def trainingModel(modelParam, dataLoader, optimizer, lossFN, accuracyFN, device=device):
trainingLoss = 0
trainingAcc = 0
for batch, (X, y) in enumerate(dataLoader):
X, y =,
y_pred = modelParam(X)
loss = lossFN(y_pred, y)
trainingLoss += loss
#print(f"loss={loss}, trainingLoss={trainingLoss}“)
trainingAcc += accuracyFN(y_true=y, y_pred=y_pred.argmax(dim=1))
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
if param.grad is not None:
print(f"Gradient for {name}: {param.grad.mean()}”)
print(f"Gradient for {name} is None")

trainingLoss /= len(dataLoader)
trainingAcc /= len(dataLoader)
print(f"Training Loss: {trainingLoss:.5f}, Training acc: {trainingAcc:.2f}")

def testingModel(modelParam, dataLoader, lossFN, accFN, device=device):
testLoss, testAcc = 0, 0
with torch.inference_mode():
for X, y in dataLoader:
X, y =,
test_pred = modelParam(X)
testLoss += lossFN(test_pred, y).item()
testAcc += accFN(y_true=y, y_pred=test_pred.argmax(dim=1))

testLoss /= len(dataLoader)
testAcc /= len(dataLoader)
print(f"Testing Loss: {testLoss:.5f}, Testing acc: {testAcc:.2f}")

epochs = 1
for epoch in range(epochs):
print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}")
trainingModel(model, trainDataLoader, modelOptimizer, lossFunction, accuracy_fn, device)
testingModel(model, testDataLoader, lossFunction, accuracy_fn, device)


Some context: Machine Learning/Deep Learning is just not model dependent. When asking such questions as to why the loss is not working or etc., it is always helpful to provide context as to what your data is as well.

Additionally, please use the option to paste the code properly and possibly add a colab notebook to be able to reproduce your work (with your data if shareable).

Specifically for the quetion from what I can gauge:

  1. You could increase your batch size and learning rate.
  2. add batchnorm


I was able to use your code with tmp data (cifar10), and I found that probably the main issue was ReLU combined with a too big learning rate. An excessively high learning rate combined with ReLU may push the activations into saturation regions (in case of ReLU, zeroing output of layers), zeroing the gradients.

Switching all activations to LeakyReLU (which prevents creating “dead neurons”), and lowering the learning rate to for example 0.001 (0.1 learning rate might be too high, and create problem of exploding gradients) solved the issue for me. As previously mentioned, using higher batch size woulde be beneficial as well

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^This guy is correct!

Since you are a learner, I highly suggest checking out ‘vanishing gradients’ and ‘exploding gradients’.

It’ll begin to teach you more about how to stabilize your training loop, but also how computationally efficient the approach to stabilizing your training loop will be. Lots of trade-offs to be made. good luck!

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