Training loss issue

when i m training resnet modelin pytorch i got the traing loss is constant in every time …
elif self.model_type == ‘resnet’:

            self.model = models.resnet50()

            self.model.adaptiveavgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(self.model.fc.out_features)

            self.model.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=self.model.fc.in_features, out_features=self.output_classes)
             self.model.activation = nn.Softmax(self.model.fc)

elif self.model_type in [‘resnet50’]:
# self.model.layers.pop()
model_output = self.model.output
model_output = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(model_output)
predictions = Dense(self.output_classes, activation=‘softmax’)(model_output)
self.model = Model(self.model.input, predictions)

we are doing changing keras to pytorch…so we have an issue on that…

can you please give your suggestions in this…tpoic???

i got this like
Epoch: [0] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.576530]
Epoch: [1] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.404914]
Epoch: [2] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.395322]
Epoch: [3] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.391647]
Epoch: [4] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.390293]
Epoch: [5] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.393284]
Epoch: [6] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.395637]
Epoch: [7] Train Loss: [1.636952] Valid Loss: [1.396015]

train the model:

for epoch in range(num_epochs):

                    # set the model in train mode



                    # training_input_data = training_input_data.resize_([training_batch_size, 3, 224, 224])

                    training_ground_truth = training_ground_truth.resize_([training_batch_size])

                    self.model = self.model.double()

                    outputs = self.model(training_input_data.double())      



                    print("predicted probabilities while testing",probabilities) 

                    loss = self.model.criterion(outputs, training_ground_truth.long())




These seem to be a few issues in your PyTorch code:

  • you are assigning layers to new (and thus) unused attributes. model.adaptiveavgpool does not exist in resnet50, so you are creating a new attribute (maybe you want to change model.avgpool?).
  • same for model.activation
  • If your criterion is nn.CrossEntropyLoss, pass the raw logits without the softmax to the criterion.
    Internally F.log_softmax and nn.NLLLoss will be applied.

that issue is when i am running a model on CPU it will changes training loss and accuracy changes but when i go to GPU it will constant .??
can you please give the solution for this??
as soon as possible

Could you post your updated model and training code so that we could have another look?

You can post source code directly by wrapping it into three backticks ``` :wink:

there will be an error on while I m putting model.avgpool this?
i.e out of memory
self.model = models.resnet50()

        self.model.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(self.model.fc.out_features)

        self.model.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=self.model.fc.in_features, out_features=self.output_classes)

train the model

                for epoch in range(num_epochs):

                    # set the model in train mode



                    # training_input_data = training_input_data.resize_([training_batch_size, 3, 224, 224])

                    training_ground_truth = training_ground_truth.resize_([training_batch_size])

                    self.model = self.model.double()

                    outputs = self.model(training_input_data.double())      



                    print("predicted probabilities while testing",probabilities) 

                    loss = self.model.criterion(outputs, training_ground_truth.long())




after training on vgg16 architecture the losses are different but when i run on Resnet50 architecture its always constant …
can you please give the solution for that ???

The provided code shouldn’t work, so please make sure you are really executing the posted code.

This line of code:

self.model.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(self.model.fc.out_features)

will initialize an adaptive pooling layer with a spatial output size of 1000, which won’t work using the following self.model.fc layer with in_features = 2048.