Hey folks,
I am new to transfer learning, and I am working on a segmentation task using PT/ MONAI. I downloaded some pre-trained weights and now, I’d like to use them to freeze some layers on those weights and update the weihts of the remaining layers. My goal is to compare, if a fully frozen network (except final conv layer), a network with only first, or first and second layer frozen, result in better/ worse performance.
I am unsure, if the way I do it is correct. Mostly, I am unsure about the fact, if I have actually loaded the weights and the model is pretrained. And I am unsure, if the remain ing, unfrozen weights are actually learning.
My segmentation is for shoulder, while the pretrained model is for the spleen.
# set the flag, it will change the initial model object
self.PRETRAINED = True
def model(self, pretrained):
# Init model
model = UNet(
channels=(16, 32, 64, 128, 256),
strides=(2, 2, 2, 2),
# Use pretrained weights
if pretrained:
file = r'C:\Users\BKeoh\Desktop\spleen_ct_segmentation_v0.5.3\spleen_ct_segmentation\models\model.pt'
# Pattern to match the parameter names
pattern = 'model.0.*'
# Iterate through model parameters
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
# Check if the parameter name matches the pattern using fnmatch
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
param.requires_grad = False
print(f'Using pretrained model with {len(pattern)} frozen layers')
print('Using randomly init. model')
return model
Here, I am ssuming to use the pattern = 'model.0.*'
to freeze the weights of the first layer of the Unet encoder.
Thanks in advance for any hints!