Transfer learning - Pretraining and Loading Model for Classification / freezing Conv-Net Layer

Currently I’m working on feature learning and transfer learning (in context of audio spectrograms). For this purpose, in a first step, I trained a network consisting of 4 parallel Alexnet like conv-nets until fc6-layer with shared weights. In fc7, the outputs of the fc6 layers are stacked together, and fc8 does the classification to 24 classes.

In the transfer learning part, I want to use the saved model in PTH file from the pretraining and further train the fully connected layers for the final classification in 10 classes. I want to freeze the convolutional layers 1-5, and train only the fully connected layers, fc6-fc8. If I understood it correctly, this approach is referred to as conv-net feature extractor. The size of the fc6 in the pretraining is different than the size of fc6 in the later transfer learning part.
I share my code, which runs without any errors so far. But I am not sure, if I am doing right. The results (accuracy) are lower than training the network completely from scratch without any pretraining. I tried to search for similar transfer learning cases, but most of the examples are about already “professionally” pretrained networks (like VGG, RESNET, …). In my case, I do the pretraining myself, and save the model as PTH file. In the transfer learning, I want to load the PTH file freezing the conv-layers and train the FC-layers for the final classification task.

See below my code. I would be very grateful, if somebody could help me, saying if I’m doing right, or correcting me, if I do a mistake. Most important question is, if the loading of the pretrained model and freezing the layers and training only the fully connected layers is correct (in below).

Code consisting of:

  • (network for pretraining)
  • (network for final classification)
  • Short code snippet for saving model (within, s. below)
  • (for training in classification step)

(dataloader script not attached)

Network in pretraining (containing the 4 parallel convnets with shared weights):


class Network(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, classes=24):   
        super(Network, self).__init__()

        self.conv = nn.Sequential()
        self.conv.add_module('conv1_s1',nn.Conv2d(3, 32, kernel_size=17, stride=2, padding=0))   
        self.conv.add_module('pool1_s1',nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2))                           
        self.conv.add_module('lrn1_s1',LRN(local_size=5, alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75))

        self.conv.add_module('conv2_s1',nn.Conv2d(32, 96, kernel_size=3, padding=2, groups=2))
        self.conv.add_module('pool2_s1',nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2))
        self.conv.add_module('lrn2_s1',LRN(local_size=5, alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75))

        self.conv.add_module('conv3_s1',nn.Conv2d(96, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=1))

        self.conv.add_module('conv4_s1',nn.Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=1, groups=2))

        self.conv.add_module('conv5_s1',nn.Conv2d(128, 96, kernel_size=3, padding=1, groups=2))
        self.conv.add_module('pool5_s1',nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2))

        self.fc6 = nn.Sequential()
        self.fc6.add_module('fc6_s1',nn.Linear(384, 256))

        self.fc7 = nn.Sequential()

        self.classifier = nn.Sequential()
        self.classifier.add_module('fc8',nn.Linear(256, classes))

    def forward(self, x):
        #Batch, ImageTile, Channel, Hight, Width
        B,T,C,H,W = x.size()
        x = x.transpose(0,1)

        x_list = []
        # do for each of the 4 image tiles
        for i in range(4):               
            z = self.conv(x[i])
            z = self.fc6(z.view(B,-1))
            z = z.view([B,1,-1])

        x = cat(x_list,1)
        x = self.fc7(x.view(B,-1))
        x = self.classifier(x)

        return x

Transfer learning network for final Classification - with loading PTH file, freezing conv-nets and training fully connected layers, where I’m not sure if I am doing it the correct way:


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import cat
import torch.nn.init as init
from torch.autograd import Variable
from NetworkOrig import Network as NetworkOriginal    

import sys
from Layers import LRN

class Network(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, classes=10):   
        super(Network, self).__init__()

        # network from above pretraining step
        netOrig = NetworkOriginal(24)  

        # loading PTH model file
        checkpointL = torch.load('jps_040_018760.pth')

        # freeze convolutional layers
        print("###seq list:",(*list(netOrig.children())[:1]))
        self.features = nn.Sequential(*list(netOrig.children())[:1])
        for p in self.features.parameters():
          p.requires_grad = False

        self.fc6 = nn.Sequential()
        self.fc6.add_module('fc6_s1',nn.Linear(4224, 1024)) 

        self.fc7 = nn.Sequential()

        self.classifier = nn.Sequential()
        self.classifier.add_module('fc8',nn.Linear(256, classes))   

    def forward(self, x):
        #Batch, Channel, Hight, Width
        B,C,H,W = x.size()

        z = self.features(x)
        z = self.fc6(z.view(B,-1))
        z = z.view([B,1,-1])
        z = self.fc7(z.view(B,-1))
        z = self.classifier(z)

        return z

Code snippet for saving model:

    net = Network(24)
    if args.gpu is not None:
         {'state_dict': net.state_dict(),'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()},filename)
         print('Saved: '+args.checkpoint)

Training script for better understanding:


import ...

#from ImageDataLoader import DataLoader
from ImageLoaderM import DataLoader

from Network import Network
from NetworkOrig import Network as NetworkOrig
from TrainingUtils import adjust_learning_rate, compute_accuracy

parser = ...

# tensorboard logs

def main():
    if args.gpu is not None:
        print(('Using GPU %d'%args.gpu))
        print('CPU mode')
    trainpath = + '/jpg'
    train_data = DataLoader(trainpath, 'TransferTrain.txt', classes=args.classes)
    train_loader =,
    valpath = + '/jpg'
    val_data = DataLoader(valpath, 'TransferDev.txt', classes=args.classes)
    val_loader =,
    N = train_data.N
    iter_per_epoch = train_data.N/args.batch

    # Network initialize
    net = Network(args.classes)
    if args.gpu is not None:

    ############## Load from checkpoint if exists, otherwise from model ###############
    if os.path.exists(args.checkpoint):
        files = [f for f in os.listdir(args.checkpoint) if 'pth' in f]
        if len(files)>0:
            ckp = files[-1]

            args.iter_start = int(ckp.split(".")[0].split("_")[1])
            print('Starting from: ',ckp)
            if args.model is not None:
        if args.model is not None:

    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(),, weight_decay=1e-5)

    ############## TESTING ###############
    if args.evaluate:
    ############## TRAINING ###############
    print(('Start training: lr %f, batch size %d, classes %d'%(,args.batch,args.classes)))
    print(('Checkpoint: '+args.checkpoint))
    # Train the Model
    best_acc = 0.0
    test_acc = 0.0    
    batch_time, net_time = [], []
    steps = args.iter_start
    for epoch in range(int(args.iter_start/iter_per_epoch),args.epochs):

        if (epoch%2==0 and epoch>0 and epoch<10) or (epoch%10==0 and epoch>9):
            test_acc = test(net, criterion, val_loader, steps)
            if(test_acc > best_acc):
              filename = '%s/jps_%03i_%06d.pth'%(args.checkpoint,epoch,steps)
                {'state_dict': net.state_dict(),'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict()},filename)
              print('Saved: '+args.checkpoint)
              best_acc = test_acc
              print('No model saving (best Acc  %.2f%%)' %(best_acc))

        lr = adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch,, step=20, decay=0.1)
        end = time()
        for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):

            if len(batch_time)>100:
                del batch_time[0]

            images = Variable(images)
            labels = Variable(labels)
            if args.gpu is not None:
                images = images.cuda()
                labels = labels.cuda()

            # Forward/Backward/Optimize
            t = time()
            outputs = net(images)

            if len(net_time)>100:
                del net_time[0]

            prec1, prec3 = compute_accuracy(outputs.cpu().data, labels.cpu().data, topk=(1, 3))  
            acc = prec1.item()

            loss = criterion(outputs, labels)   
            loss = float(loss.cpu().data.numpy())    

            if steps%20==0:
                print(('[%2d/%2d] %5d) [batch load % 2.3fsec, net %1.2fsec], Loss: % 1.3f, Accuracy % 2.2f%%' %(
                            epoch+1, args.epochs, steps, 
                            np.mean(batch_time), np.mean(net_time),

            steps += 1
            end = time()

def test(net, criterion, val_loader, steps):
    print('Network evaluation:')
    accuracy = []
    loss = []

    for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(val_loader):
        images = Variable(images)
        if args.gpu is not None:
            images = images.cuda()

        outputs = net(images)
        outputs = outputs.cpu().data

        prec1, prec5 = compute_accuracy(outputs, labels, topk=(1, 1))    

        losseval = criterion(outputs,labels)

    writerEval.add_scalar('Loss', np.mean(loss), steps)
    writerEval.add_scalar('Accuracy', np.mean(accuracy), steps) 
    print('TESTING: %d), Accuracy   %.2f%%' %(steps,np.mean(accuracy)))
    print('TESTING: %d), Loss %.2f' %(steps,np.mean(loss)))
    return np.mean(accuracy)

if __name__ == "__main__":

So, without looking at all the details or being knowledgeable in the domain (I do nlp), the logic of loading, freezing and finetuning looks good to me. I have done the same before for relation prediction and it worked for me: save a pretrained model, load it, freeze the layers and add new layers and then finetune.
For what it’s worth, I haven’t been able to successfully improve performance by pretraining either.

What exactly is your data situation? When I pretrained with distant supervision data and finetuned with manually annotated data, my performance was about 30-40% worse than the regular model trained on manually annotated data.

Edit: Are you certain that this doesn’t create copies and that you freeze the respective layers? Have you printed requires_grad after this point to check?

        self.features = nn.Sequential(*list(netOrig.children())[:1])
        for p in self.features.parameters():
          p.requires_grad = False

Thank you so much for your reply. I made some “research” after your hints.
First of all, yes, I do a copy of the first nn.Sequential (convolutional layers 1-5) to self.features. And after that; I freeze all of these convolutional layers. Printing the requires_grad state yields False, which is the expected one.

For better understanding of my intention, I do following in, or I want to do it at least (hopefully, I did it correctly):

  1. first, I call the structure of the original Network from pretraining step
  2. then, I load the model from pretraining
  3. freeze the convolutional layers by requires_grad = False
  4. change the fully connected layer fc6 dimensions (different input than in the pretraining network)
  5. In the forward function, I start with self.features(x) (which is the freezed conv-net), and pass the output to fully connected layer fc6.

To check if it is correct what I did, I did following tests:

  1. Printed the requires_grad by following code:
for name, param in self.features.named_parameters():
   print('f_name: ', name)
   print('f_param.shape: ', param.shape)
   print('f_param.requires_grad: ', param.requires_grad)

This yields:

f_name:  0.conv1_s1.weight
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([24, 3, 3, 7])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv1_s1.bias
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([24])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv2_s1.weight
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([64, 12, 3, 3])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv2_s1.bias
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([64])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv3_s1.weight
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([96, 64, 3, 3])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv3_s1.bias
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([96])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv4_s1.weight
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([96, 48, 3, 3])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv4_s1.bias
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([96])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv5_s1.weight
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([64, 48, 3, 3])
f_param.requires_grad:  False
f_name:  0.conv5_s1.bias
f_param.shape:  torch.Size([64])
f_param.requires_grad:  False

I checked the requires_grad state additionally by printing the weights values in each epoch by following code:

        print("# features data done in epoch:", epoch)
        for p in net.features.parameters():
          print("features data:\n",

        print("### fc6 data:\n")
        for p in net.fc6.parameters():
          print("fc6 data:\n",

        print("### fc7 data:\n")
        for p in net.fc7.parameters():
          print("fc6 data:\n",
        print("### classifier data:\n")
        for p in net.classifier.parameters():
          print("classifier data:\n",

This yields for the convolutional net.features.parameters() always the same values, whereas the fc-layers values change, e.g. the I get always these values in each epoch from epoch 1 to 50:

# features data done in epoch: 50
features data:
 tensor([[[[-2.9370e-02, -2.4781e-02, -3.6837e-02,  ..., -1.9737e-02,
           -5.3319e-02,  1.2129e-02],
          [ 1.9878e-02,  2.2050e-03,  1.1819e-02,  ...,  1.5220e-02,
            3.8971e-02,  1.6507e-02],
          [-4.5968e-02, -4.0048e-02, -2.5076e-02,  ..., -6.9785e-03,
            2.7164e-02,  2.5658e-02],
          [-1.2946e-01, -9.4483e-02, -9.1339e-02,  ..., -8.9851e-02,
           -1.3448e-01, -3.0433e-02],
          [-4.5213e-02, -1.4098e-02, -7.2459e-02,  ...,  6.4320e-02,
            3.4375e-02,  1.5377e-02],
          [ 7.3047e-02,  1.0381e-01, -2.7192e-02,  ..., -4.1457e-02,
            1.5289e-02, -1.4070e-02]]]], device='cuda:0')

features data:
 tensor([-0.0733, -0.1775, -0.2160, -0.3278, -0.2497, -0.2964, -0.4560, -0.2895,
        -0.1183, -0.2846,  0.0662, -0.2177, -0.2982, -0.2366, -0.2577, -0.2406,
        -0.0741, -0.4508, -0.3050, -0.1537, -0.0788, -0.2600, -0.4483, -0.5219,
        -0.2005, -0.1901, -0.3734, -0.1820, -0.1335, -0.1852, -0.5939, -0.0357],

With requires_grad=True, the weight values of the convolutional layers 1-5 change in each epoch.
With requires_grad=False, the weight values of the convolutional layers remaine the same in each epoch. The fully connected layers (fc6, fc7 and classification) weights changed in each epoch.
Is this a proof, that the loading and freezing the conv-net layer is correct?

If I understood you correctly, you worked on a similar transfer learning task and observed, that with pretraining the performance was worse than training with fully manually annoted data, correct? Do you mean the “accuracy” if you mention performance? In my case, the accuracy is in general also lower than training with manually annotated data from scratch. But depending on the filter sizes in the convolutional layers, classification with very little data (e.g. 15-20 per class) seem to be slightly better when the pretrained model is used. But I have to verify it more in detail.

In the pretraining, the image data is split in 4 tiles. Therefore, I have 4 parallel shared conv-nets and the fc6. After that the results are stacked in fc7. In the classification, I want to train the fully connected layers, fc6,fc7,and classification. The input size of the fc6 in the pretraining and in the classification task is different, because of the smaller image tiles (split in 4 parts) in the pretraining task. In the classification task, the whole image is scanned and there is no splitting in parallel nets.

With requires_grad=True , the weight values of the convolutional layers 1-5 change in each epoch.
With requires_grad=False , the weight values of the convolutional layers remaine the same in each epoch. The fully connected layers (fc6, fc7 and classification) weights changed in each epoch.
Is this a proof, that the loading and freezing the conv-net layer is correct?


If I understood you correctly, you worked on a similar transfer learning task and observed, that with pretraining the performance was worse than training with fully manually annoted data, correct? Do you mean the “accuracy” if you mention performance? In my case, the accuracy is in general also lower than training with manually annotated data from scratch. But depending on the filter sizes in the convolutional layers, classification with very little data (e.g. 15-20 per class) seem to be slightly better when the pretrained model is used. But I have to verify it more in detail.

Well, I worked on a NLP task but the idea was similar, yes. I pretrained my model M1 with automatically annotated data, then froze it, added a dense layer at the end and finetuned this new model M2 (read: I finetuned the new dense layer) with manually annotated data. Dev and test sets were always manually annotated data. With this model M2 I achieved around 42% F1-Score. M1 achieved 17% F1-Score. The model M1 trained on manually annotated data instead of automatically annotated data achived 65%.
It was a bit more complicated than that, but that’s the idea.