TransformerEncoder with 1 TransformerEncoderLayer


I just study a bit the code of the pytorch transformer module.

There, the Class TransformerEncoder is a stack of N TransformerEncoderLayers. So TransformerEncoder(encoder_layer, num_layers=1) with 1 Encoder Layer should give the same output as encoder_layer?

So, I would assume to get the same output for both ways:

encoder_layer = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=6, nhead=2, batch_first=True)
src = torch.rand(2, 5, 6)
out = encoder_layer(src)
print(out, out.shape)

transformer_encoder = nn.TransformerEncoder(encoder_layer, num_layers=1)
out = transformer_encoder(src)
print(out, out.shape)

The output is always very different:

tensor([[[ 1.0687, -0.0628, -0.3718, -0.1207,  1.2548, -1.7682],
         [ 0.0136,  0.2716, -0.6997, -0.2500,  1.9374, -1.2729],
         [-0.6875, -0.3608,  0.7908, -0.0981,  1.7106, -1.3550],
         [-1.6746, -0.1693,  0.2136,  0.8932,  1.3815, -0.6443],
         [ 0.3343, -1.9192,  0.0965,  1.1378,  0.8232, -0.4726]],

        [[-1.0233,  0.4987,  0.9853,  0.2254,  0.9698, -1.6559],
         [-0.9034, -0.5267,  1.3985,  0.5957,  0.8218, -1.3858],
         [ 0.9843, -1.5308,  0.2510, -0.5477,  1.4139, -0.5707],
         [-0.1907, -0.0046, -1.3699,  1.2456,  1.2743, -0.9548],
         [-0.6701, -0.6789,  0.4082,  0.9170,  1.4406, -1.4168]]],
       grad_fn=<NativeLayerNormBackward0>) torch.Size([2, 5, 6])
tensor([[[-0.0860, -1.5762, -0.2599,  0.2899,  1.8222, -0.1900],
         [-0.1013, -0.0221, -0.6439, -0.0912,  2.0414, -1.1828],
         [-0.4802, -0.2750,  0.6492, -0.1569,  1.7459, -1.4830],
         [-1.6553, -0.2178,  0.4153,  0.7626,  1.4004, -0.7052],
         [ 0.2467, -2.0493,  0.3164,  0.9811,  0.7766, -0.2716]],

        [[-1.3599,  0.1510,  0.9750,  0.0135,  1.3658, -1.1453],
         [-1.0742, -0.2285,  1.3229,  0.5419,  0.8574, -1.4195],
         [ 0.7563, -1.5332,  0.4498, -0.0397,  1.3679, -1.0011],
         [-0.2690, -0.0986, -1.1021,  0.9688,  1.5993, -1.0985],
         [-0.3656, -0.8214,  0.2097,  0.7191,  1.6452, -1.3870]]],
       grad_fn=<NativeLayerNormBackward0>) torch.Size([2, 5, 6])

Add 1 line:

encoder_layer = nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=6, nhead=3, batch_first=True)
encoder_layer.eval() #<<< here
src = torch.rand(2, 5, 6)
out = encoder_layer(src)
print(out, out.size())

transformer_encoder = nn.TransformerEncoder(encoder_layer, num_layers=1)
out = transformer_encoder(src)
print(out, out.size())

Dropout layers are randomly set every time data gets input.

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