Transposing tensor in forward cause problem in training

When I comment the line of transpose at line u = u.transpose(0,1) in class AttenModFullXL , training accuracy for a single batch reaches 1, but if it is uncommented, the model training accuracy stucks at 25 % and not improves. Why does this happens. Reshape cannot be done , because the purpose of transpose is different. Does transpose cause any problem in gradient flow?

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from icecream import ic
import os

class Flatten(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ):

    def forward(self, x):
        bs = x.shape[0]
        return x.reshape((bs, -1))

class SeparateLinear(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n, ins, out):

        self.Linears = {}
        for i in range(n):
            self.Linears[str(i)] = nn.Linear(ins, out)
        self.Linears = nn.ModuleDict(self.Linears)

    def forward(self, x):
        outs = []
        bs = x.shape[0]
        x = x.reshape((16,bs,32,6,6)) 
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            a = self.Linears[str(i)](x[i])
        ou = torch.stack(outs)
        ou = ou.reshape(bs,16,32,6,16)
        return ou

class Self_attention(nn.Module):
    def  __init__(self,dp = 0.1):
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dp)
    def forward(self,q,k,v,mask=None):
        matmul_qk = q @ k.transpose(-1,-2)
        scaled_attention_logits = matmul_qk/ torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(k.shape[-1],dtype=torch.float32))
        attention_weights = torch.nn.functional.softmax(scaled_attention_logits,dim=-1)
        attention_weights = self.dropout(attention_weights)
        output = attention_weights @ v 
        return [output, attention_weights.detach().clone()]

class AttentionHead(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,d_model,d_features,dp ):
        self.attn = Self_attention(dp)
        self.query_tfm = nn.Linear(d_model,d_features)
        self.key_tfm = nn.Linear(d_model,d_features)
        self.values_tfm = nn.Linear(d_model,d_features)
        self.kmemory = None 
        self.vmemory = None 
    def forward(self,queries,key,values,mask=None,discard_mem = False ):
        if discard_mem :
            self.kmemory = None 
            self.vmemory = None 
        Q = self.query_tfm(queries)
        K = self.key_tfm(key)
        V = self.values_tfm(values)
        dK = K.detach().clone()
        dV = V.detach().clone()

        if self.kmemory == None: 
            self.kmemory = dK 
            self.vmemory = dV 
            K =,self.kmemory),dim=1)
            V =,self.vmemory),dim=1)
            self.kmemory =,self.kmemory),dim=1)# concating in sequence length 
            self.vmemory =,self.vmemory),dim=1)
            # print("Memory appended",self.kmemory.shape)

        x,att_weight = self.attn(Q,K,V,None)
        return x,att_weight
    def pop_last(self,n):
        if self.kmemory.shape[1] == n*32:
            self.kmemory = self.kmemory[:,:-32,:]
            self.vmemory = self.vmemory[:,:-32,:]
    def print_seq_length(self):
class MultiheadAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,d_model,d_feature,n_heads,dp=0.1):
        self.d_model = d_model
        self.d_feature = d_feature
        self.n_heads = n_heads
        assert d_model == d_feature * n_heads
        self.attn_heads = nn.ModuleList([
            AttentionHead(d_model, d_feature, dp) for _ in range(n_heads)
        self.projection = nn.Linear(d_feature * n_heads, d_model) 
    def forward(self,queries,keys,values,discard_mem = False,mask=None):
        comb = [attn(queries, keys, values, mask=mask,discard_mem = discard_mem) # (Batch, Seq, Feature)
             for i, attn in enumerate(self.attn_heads)]

        # log_size(x[0], "output of single head")
        attentions = []
        xs = []
        for u,att in comb:
        # reconcatenate
        x =, dim=-1) # (Batch, Seq, D_Feature * n_heads)
        attentions =,dim=-1)
        # log_size(x, "concatenated output")
        x = self.projection(x) # (Batch, Seq, D_Model)
        # log_size(x, "projected output")
        return x,attentions

    def pop_last(self,n):
        for i,attn in enumerate(self.attn_heads):

class MultiheadAttentionXL(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,d_model,d_feature,n_heads,dp=0.1):
        self.d_model = d_model
        self.d_feature = d_feature
        self.n_heads = n_heads
        assert d_model == d_feature * n_heads
        self.attn_heads = nn.ModuleList([
            AttentionHead(d_model, d_feature, dp) for _ in range(n_heads)
        self.projection = nn.Linear(d_feature * n_heads, d_model) 
    def forward(self,queries,keys,values,discard_mem = False,mask=None):
        comb = [attn(queries, keys, values, mask=mask,discard_mem = discard_mem) # (Batch, Seq, Feature)
             for i, attn in enumerate(self.attn_heads)]

        # log_size(x[0], "output of single head")
        attentions = []
        xs = []
        for u,att in comb:
        # reconcatenate
        x =, dim=-1) # (Batch, Seq, D_Feature * n_heads)
        attentions =,dim=-1)
        # log_size(x, "concatenated output")
        x = self.projection(x) # (Batch, Seq, D_Model)
        # log_size(x, "projected output")
        return x,attentions

    def pop_last(self,n):
        for i,attn in enumerate(self.attn_heads):

class AttenModFullXL(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 32, 3, stride=1)
        self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2)
        self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(0.1)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 32, 3, stride=1)
        self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2)
        self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(0.1)
        self.expand = nn.Linear(36,64)
        self.relu1 = nn.ReLU()
        self.dropout3 = nn.Dropout(0.1)
        self.features = None
        self.memory = []
        dicts = {}
        for i in range(16):
            dicts["M-atten-" + str(i)] = MultiheadAttentionXL(64,16, 4, dp=0.2)     
        self.multiheads = nn.ModuleDict(dicts)
        self.atten_dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)
        self.layernorm1 = nn.LayerNorm(64)

        num_layers = 2
        self.xl_heads = {}
        self.norm_layers = {}
        for i in range(num_layers):
            self.xl_heads["XL-"+str(i)] = MultiheadAttentionXL(32*64,256,8,dp=0.2)
        self.xl_heads = nn.ModuleDict(self.xl_heads) 

        for i in range(num_layers):
            self.norm_layers["LN-"+str(i)] = nn.LayerNorm(32*64) 
        self.norm_layers = nn.ModuleDict(self.norm_layers)         

        self.flin1 = nn.Linear(16*2048,512)
        self.flin2 = nn.Linear(512,128)
        self.flin3 = nn.Linear(128,25)
        self.att_mat = None
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            self = self.cuda()

    def pop_memory(self,n):
        for i in range(len(self.multiheads)):
            self.multiheads["M-atten-" + str(i)].pop_last(n)

        for i in range(len(self.xl_heads)):

    def forward(self,t,discard_mem = False):
        t = t/255.0 # normaliztion added to the model forward itself
        bs = t.shape[0]
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            sliced = torch.zeros((t.shape[0],16, 32, 32)).cuda()
            sliced = torch.zeros((t.shape[0],16, 32, 32))
        # ic(x.shape)
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                sliced[:,i * 4 + j] = t[:,i * 32:i * 32 + 32, j * 32:j * 32 + 32]

        x = sliced
        x = x.reshape((bs*16, 1, 32, 32))
        u = self.conv1(x)
        u = self.pool1(u)
        self.features = u.detach().clone()
        u = self.dropout1(u)

        u = self.conv2(u)
        u = self.pool2(u)
        u = self.dropout2(u)
        u = u.reshape((bs*16,32,36))
        u = self.expand(u)         
        u = self.relu1(u)

        # ic(u.shape)
        u = u.reshape((16,bs,32,64))
        attention_out =[]
        self.att_mat = []
        for i in range(len(self.multiheads)):
            att_out, _att_mat = (self.multiheads["M-atten-" + str(i)](u[i] ,u[i], u[i],discard_mem))
        with torch.no_grad():
            self.att_mat = torch.stack(self.att_mat)

        attention_out_stacked = torch.stack(attention_out) 
        u = u + self.atten_dropout(attention_out_stacked)
        u = self.layernorm1(u)
        u = u.reshape((16,bs,32*64))
        # u = u.transpose(0,1) 

        for i in range(len(self.xl_heads.keys())):
            att_out,_att_mat = self.xl_heads["XL-"+str(i)](u,u,u,discard_mem)
            u = u+ torch.nn.functional.dropout(u)
            u = self.norm_layers["LN-"+str(i)](u)
        # att_out,_att_mat = self.xl_heads["XL-0"](u,u,u,discard_mem)
        # u = u+ torch.nn.functional.dropout(u)
        # u = self.norm_layers["LN-0"](u)

        u = u.reshape((bs,16*2048))
        u = self.flin1(u)
        u = nn.functional.relu(u)
        u = self.flin2(u)
        u = nn.functional.relu(u)
        u = self.flin3(u)
        # ic(u.shape)
        return u

No, transpose will not detach the output from the computation graph or create any other issues, and would recommend to check the “logic” of the operation in your model.
I.e. what do the dimensions on the tensor represent without the transpose operation and how would the successive layers use this information.

The logic is correct, what I am trying to do is to do self attention between 16 parts of an image. So I transpose the batch_size and 16. The multi head attention here implemented takes the (batch_size, seq_len, emb) shape. So I transpose to get (25,16,2048) as input shape. But Transposing doesn’t work, but without transposing works. Is there any method to check the gradient flow?

Now modified to without transpose. Now it works well. But transposing caused the problem.