Trying to backward through the graph a second time error

def PointNet_Net(self, fitted_params, images, landmarks, image_masks, occ_dict, savefolder, model_name='full', shape_gt=None):
    Train PointNetMesh to adjust the coarse mesh vertices based on input features.
    # Ensure models and optimizer are initialized
    if not hasattr(self, 'pointnet'):
        self.pointnet = PointNetMesh(input_dim=fitted_params['vertices'].shape[2], num_points=fitted_params['vertices'].shape[1]).to('cuda:0')
    if not hasattr(self, 'optimizer_pointnet'):
        self.optimizer_pointnet = torch.optim.Adam(list(self.pointnet.parameters()), lr=1e-3)

    for iter in range(2):  # Set the desired number of iterations
        cam = fitted_params['cam']
        albedo = fitted_params['albedo'].expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1, -1)
        light = fitted_params['light'].expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1)
        pose = fitted_params['full_pose'].expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1)
        images = images.clone().expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1, -1)
        shape_in = fitted_params['shape']
        batch_size = shape_in.shape[0]
        images_occ = images * image_masks
        gt_landmarks = landmarks

        # Expand shape_gt if available
        if shape_gt is not None:
            shape_gt = shape_gt.expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1)
            shape_gt = shape_in

        # Obtain features from PointNet
        global_features, point_features, displacement = self.pointnet(shape_in)

        # Update vertices with displacement
        vertices = shape_in + displacement

        shape_out = vertices.expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1)

        # Compute losses
        landmarks2d, landmarks3d = self.flame.get_landmarks(shape_out, pose)
        trans_verts = utils.batch_orth_proj(shape_out, cam)
        trans_verts[..., 1:] = -trans_verts[..., 1:]
        lmk_loss = utils.l2_distance(landmarks2d[:, :, :2], gt_landmarks[:, :, :2], conf=occ_dict['landmarks_valid'])
        ops = self.render(shape_out, trans_verts, albedo, light)
        pho_loss = (image_masks[0:1] * (ops['images'] - images[0:1]).abs()).mean()

        # Train PointNetMesh

        # Zero gradients

        # Compute total loss and backpropagate
        loss_network = pho_loss * self.w_pho + lmk_loss * self.w_lmk

        # Logging
        print(f"Iteration for pointnet {iter}, Pho Loss: {pho_loss.item()}, Lmk Loss: {lmk_loss.item()}, Total Loss: {loss_network.item()}")

    # Update fitted_params with adjusted shape
    fitted_params['shape'] = vertices.detach()
    fitted_params['point_features'] = point_features

def GCNN_Net(self, fitted_params, images, landmarks, image_masks, occ_dict, savefolder, model_name='full',
             shape_gt=None, image_features=None, hidden_layers=None, output_dim=None):
    Train GCNN to refine mesh vertices based on fused features and adjacency matrix.
    # Compute adjacency matrix and refine once
    faces = fitted_params['faces']
    edges = get_mesh_edges(faces)
    adj_matrix = edges_to_adjacency(edges, fitted_params['vertices'].shape[1]).to('cuda:0')

    visibility_ind = torch.nonzero(fitted_params['vis_mask'][0], as_tuple=False).squeeze()
    keep_indices = torch.tensor([i for i in range(adj_matrix.size(0)) if i in visibility_ind]).to('cuda:0')
    refined_adj_matrix = adj_matrix[keep_indices][:, keep_indices].to('cuda:0')

    if not hasattr(self, 'gcnn'):
        self.gcnn = Net(
            nfeat=fitted_params['point_features'].shape[-1] + image_features.shape[1],
            nhid=int(hidden_layers),  # Convert to int
            nout=int(output_dim)  # Convert to int

    if not hasattr(self, 'optimizer_gcnn'):
        self.optimizer_gcnn = torch.optim.Adam(self.gcnn.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

    for iter in range(2):  # Set the desired number of iterations
        cam = fitted_params['cam']
        albedo = fitted_params['albedo'].expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1, -1)
        light = fitted_params['light'].expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1)
        pose = fitted_params['full_pose'].expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1)
        images = images.clone().expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1, -1)
        vertices = fitted_params['vertices']
        gt_landmarks = landmarks

        # Fuse features
        proj_vertices = utils.batch_orth_proj(vertices, cam)
        proj_vertices[..., 1:] = -proj_vertices[..., 1:]
        proj_vertices_norm = proj_vertices[:, :, :-1].unsqueeze(2)

        extracted_features = F.grid_sample(
            image_features, proj_vertices_norm, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True
        ).squeeze(3).permute(0, 2, 1)  # Shape: [B, N, C]

        fused_features =[fitted_params['point_features'], extracted_features], dim=-1)  # Detach to prevent reusing old graph

        # Process visible vertices
        vis_fused_features = fused_features[:, fitted_params['vis_mask'].squeeze(0), :].to('cuda:0')
        vis_vertices = vertices[:, fitted_params['vis_mask'].squeeze(0), :].to('cuda:0')

        # Forward pass through GCNN
        residual_vertices = self.gcnn(vis_fused_features[0])
        refined_vertices = residual_vertices + vis_vertices

        # Update vertices
        vertices_copy = vertices.clone()
        vertices_copy[:, fitted_params['vis_mask'].squeeze(0), :] = refined_vertices.view(vertices.shape[0], -1, 3)
        shape_out_gcnn = vertices_copy.expand(self.num_samples, -1, -1) # Detach to prevent reuse

        # Compute losses
        landmarks2d, landmarks3d = self.flame.get_landmarks(shape_out_gcnn, pose)
        trans_verts = utils.batch_orth_proj(shape_out_gcnn, cam)
        trans_verts[..., 1:] = -trans_verts[..., 1:]
        lmk_loss = utils.l2_distance(landmarks2d[:, :, :2], gt_landmarks[:, :, :2], conf=occ_dict['landmarks_valid'])
        ops = self.render(shape_out_gcnn, trans_verts, albedo, light)
        pho_loss = (image_masks[0:1] * (ops['images'] - images[0:1]).abs()).mean()

        # Train GCNN
        loss_gcnn = pho_loss * self.w_pho + lmk_loss * self.w_lmk
        loss_gcnn.backward()  # Remove retain_graph=True

        # Logging
        print(f"Iteration {iter}, Pho Loss: {pho_loss.item()}, Lmk Loss: {lmk_loss.item()}, Total Loss: {loss_gcnn.item()}")

    # Update fitted_params with adjusted shape
    fitted_params['shape'] = vertices_copy.detach()   

these are my models, and i am running them back to back using

        self.PointNet_Net(fitted_params, images, landmarks, image_masks, occ_dict, savefolder, model_name='full', shape_gt=None)

        self.GCNN_Net(fitted_params, images, landmarks, image_masks, occ_dict, savefolder, model_name='full',shape_gt=None, image_features=image_features, hidden_layers=8., output_dim=3.)

I am getting the following error,

._execution_engine.run_backward( # Calls into the C++ engine to run the backward pass
RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tensors after they have already been freed). Saved intermediate values of the graph are freed when you call .backward() or autograd.grad(). Specify retain_graph=True if you need to backward through the graph a second time or if you need to access saved tensors after calling backward.