Trying to convert the TensorFlow code into pytorch

I have been trying to convert the TensorFlow code into pytorch ,confused to what to use instead tf.keras.layer.Layer in pytorch

below is the code

Objective wrapper and utils to build a function to be optimized

import itertools

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from …commons import find_layer
from …types import Union, List, Callable, Tuple, Optional
from .losses import dot_cossim

class Objective:
Use to combine several sub-objectives into one.

Each sub-objective act on a layer, possibly on a neuron or a channel (in
that case we apply a mask on the layer values), or even multiple neurons (in
that case we have multiples masks). When two sub-objectives are added, we
optimize all their combinations.

e.g Objective 1 target the neurons 1 to 10 of the logits l1,...,l10
    Objective 2 target a direction on the first layer d1
    Objective 3 target each of the 5 channels on another layer c1,...,c5

    The resulting Objective will have 10*5*1 combinations. The first input
    will optimize l1+d1+c1 and the last one l10+d1+c5.

    Model used for optimization.
    A list of the layers output for each sub-objectives.
    A list of masks that will be applied on the targeted layer for each
    A list of loss functions for each sub-objectives.
    A list of multiplication factor for each sub-objectives
    A list of name for each sub-objectives

def __init__(self,
             model: tf.keras.Model,
             layers: List[tf.keras.layers.Layer],
             masks: List[tf.Tensor],
             funcs: List[Callable],
             multipliers: List[float],
             names: List[str]):
    self.model = model
    self.layers = layers
    self.masks = masks
    self.funcs = funcs
    self.multipliers = multipliers
    self.names = names

def __add__(self, term):
    if not isinstance(term, Objective):
        raise ValueError(f"{term} is not an objective.")
    return Objective(
            layers=self.layers + term.layers,
            masks=self.masks + term.masks,
            funcs=self.funcs + term.funcs,
            multipliers=self.multipliers + term.multipliers,
            names=self.names + term.names

def __sub__(self, term):
    if not isinstance(term, Objective):
        raise ValueError(f"{term} is not an objective.")
    term.multipliers = [-1.0 * m for m in term.multipliers]
    return self + term

def __mul__(self, factor: float):
    if not isinstance(factor, (int, float)):
        raise ValueError(f"{factor} is not a number.")
    self.multipliers = [m * factor for m in self.multipliers]
    return self

def __rmul__(self, factor: float):
    return self * factor

def compile(self) -> Tuple[tf.keras.Model, Callable, List[str], Tuple]:
    Compile all the sub-objectives into one and return the objects
    for the optimisation process.

        Model with the outputs needed for the optimization.
        Function to call that compute the loss for the objectives.
        Names of each objectives.
        Shape of the input, one sample for each optimization.
    # the number of inputs will be the number of combinations possible
    # of the objectives, the mask are used to take into account
    # these combinations
    nb_sub_objectives = len(self.multipliers)

    # re-arrange to match the different objectives with the model outputs
    masks = np.array([np.array(m, dtype=object) for m in itertools.product(*self.masks)])
    masks = [tf.cast(tf.stack(list(masks[:, i])), tf.float32) for i in

    # the name of each combination is the concatenation of each objectives
    names = np.array([' & '.join(names) for names in
    # one multiplier by sub-objective
    multipliers = tf.constant(self.multipliers)

    def objective_function(model_outputs):
        loss = 0.0
        for output_index in range(0, nb_sub_objectives):
            outputs = model_outputs[output_index]
            loss += self.funcs[output_index](
                outputs, tf.cast(masks[output_index], outputs.dtype))
            loss *= multipliers[output_index]
        return loss

    # the model outputs will be composed of the layers needed
    model_reconfigured = tf.keras.Model(self.model.input, [*self.layers])

    nb_combinations = masks[0].shape[0]
    input_shape = (nb_combinations, *model_reconfigured.input.shape[1:])

    return model_reconfigured, objective_function, names, input_shape

can anyone pls help me out with this??