Turning arm from i386 in an MacBook M1 Chip

I have M1 and checked MPS support, but when I look at processor, I get i386 instead of arm.

import platform

# should print "arm"

Output: i386

Also I get this when I write this

import torch
print(f"PyTorch version: {torch.__version__}")

# Check PyTorch has access to MPS (Metal Performance Shader, Apple's GPU architecture)
print(f"Is MPS (Metal Performance Shader) built? {torch.backends.mps.is_built()}")
print(f"Is MPS available? {torch.backends.mps.is_available()}")

# Set the device
device = "mps" if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else "cpu"
print(f"Using device: {device}")

/Users/atatekeli/PycharmProjects/PyTorchZTMWork/venv/bin/python /Users/atatekeli/PycharmProjects/PyTorchZTMWork/processor.py
PyTorch version: 1.13.1
Is MPS (Metal Performance Shader) built? True
Is MPS available? True
Using device: mps

you can take a look at this instead of platform, since platform may have an issue with python module version :
import os
system_info = os.uname()