torch version 1.12.1+cu113
torchvision version 0.13.1+cu113
android studio version
I have been following the tutorial (Image Segmentation DeepLabV3 on Android — PyTorch Tutorials 2.2.0+cu121 documentation) to use a torch model inside an android app, but in the “Module Load Period”, the app will crash.
Only one line of code in android:
Module module = Module.load(MainActivity.assetFilePath(getApplicationContext(), “deeeplabv3_scripted.pt”));
The crash message is
E/libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type c10::Error: isTuple()INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at “…/…/…/…/src/main/cpp/libtorch_include/arm64-v8a/ATen/core/ivalue_inl.h”:1400, please report a bug to PyTorch. Expected Tuple but got String
Exception raised from toTuple at …/…/…/…/src/main/cpp/libtorch_include/arm64-v8a/ATen/core/ivalue_inl.h:1400 (most recent call first):
(no backtrace available)
I hope anyone helps me. Thanks!