TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

When I use the H5py library to read the .mat dataset, I get the following error. What is wrong? I have not found duplicate function and variable names. Thank you!

    tgt_dataset_root = h5py.File('E:\\ADDA\\pytorch-adda-master-lab\\datasets\\lab\\sandy\\mat\\test_target_domain_sandy.mat','r')
    data = tgt_dataset_root['data'] # use the key for data here
    label = tgt_dataset_root['label'] # use the key for target here

    data = numpy.array(data)
    label = numpy.array(label)

    tgt_dataset = TensorDataset(data, label)![微信图片_20200304093151|690x169](upload://nFSRllMj081KMNDu5qNcH1b2IaB.png)

Could you try to pass the data and label as tensors using data = torch.from_numpy(data)?

Is that so? But the following error also occurs.How do I modify it?

    tgt_dataset_root = h5py.File('E:\\ADDA\\pytorch-adda-master-lab\\datasets\\lab\\sandy\\mat\\test_target_domain_sandy.mat','r')
    data = tgt_dataset_root['data'] # use the key for data here
    label = tgt_dataset_root['label'] # use the key for target here

    data = torch.from_numpy(data)
    label = torch.from_numpy(label)

    tgt_dataset = TensorDataset(data, label)

I’m not sure how your data is stored, as the first error message points to an integer scalar value, while it now seems to be a Dataset class?
Could you print(type(data)) after indexing it from tgt_dataset_root?

Look at it like this, how do I do next?

dict_data = h5py.File('E:\\ADDA\\pytorch-adda-master-lab\\datasets\\lab\\sandy\\mat\\test_target_domain_sandy.mat','r')

print (type(dict_data))

data = dict_data['data']

You could try to call data = dict_data['data'].value to get the underlying numpy array, but I’m not too familiar with h5py.

I got this result after trying. If the data is stored in the Dataset class as you said, how can I operate to load it?

    tgt_dataset_root = h5py.File('E:\\ADDA\\pytorch-adda-master-lab\\datasets\\lab\\sandy\\mat\\test_target_domain_sandy.mat','r')
    data = tgt_dataset_root['data'].value
    label = tgt_dataset_root['label'].value

    data = torch.from_numpy(data)
    label = torch.from_numpy(label)

    tgt_dataset = TensorDataset(data, label)

Creating the tensors seems to work, while you are now facing an error stating the data and labels have a different length.
I would recommend to check the correspondence between both tensors, as apparently you have either missing labels or missing data.

Can you help me write down the specific code? I’m a bit confused now. Thank you very much!

One approach would be to get both lengths and cut the longer tensor to the size of the shorter one:

min_len = min(data.size(0), target.size(0))
data = data[:min_len]
target = target[:min_len]

However, I would not recommend to just apply this approach, as you are apparently missing some data, so the correspondence between your data and target might be broken.

I encountered such a problem, please take a look.

If you are calling size on the numpy arrays, use .shape[0] instead.
The provided code should work on the created tensors.

Can you provide specific code, I am not very clear about these conversions. Thank you!

tgt_dataset_root = h5py.File('E:\\ADDA\\pytorch-adda-master-lab\\datasets\\lab\\sandy\\mat\\test_target_domain_sandy.mat','r')
data = tgt_dataset_root['data'].value
label = tgt_dataset_root['label'].value

min_len = min(data.shape[0], label.shape[0])
data = data[:min_len]
label = label[:min_len]

data = torch.from_numpy(data)
label = torch.from_numpy(label)

should work.

Thank you very much for your patience and guidance. Now both data and label can be printed separately. If it is used as a data set, do we still need to integrate it like this?

tgt_dataset = TensorDataset(data, label)

Yes, you still should pass it to a TensorDataset.

How can I fix this warning?