TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'Tensor' and 'NoneType'

Hello, can some figure out this error?

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)

—> 44 qx = k * qx
45 Div = Divergence( x_trg , qx )
46 ########################################################

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: ‘Tensor’ and ‘NoneType’

for qx is defined as: qx = Gradient( x_trg , T )

Based on the error message it seems that qx is None. Could you check, if Gradient is returning a value or if the return statement is either not used or is returning None?

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Yeak I chesked, gradient returns None, and I don’t know how to make it returning value.
gradient function is defined with:
torch.autograd.grad (outputs , inputs , grad_outputs=None , retain_graph=None , create_graph=False , only_inputs=True ):

torch.autograd.grad should yield the desired gradients, so maybe you are missing to assign them to a return value?

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thanks for replying, here is gradient function:

I’m not sure why a None value is returned. Could you post a minimal code snippet to reproduce this issue, i.e. valid gradients are expected while you are seeing Nones?

Actually the model is composed of several files ( it’s physics-informed neural network), I send you in message the portion of the code that precedes the calling of gradient.

Could you please post the code here, as you shouldn’t share private code with anyone who is not collaborating on your project?

yeah, I can’t share it here, it’s private code :confused:

That’s understandable. Could you come up with a minimal “fake” example, which would reproduce the issue you are seeing, but wouldn’t show anything from your architecture etc.?

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