Hello, I recently attempted to update my torch setup and have encountered a strange issue.
I have been using torch through WSL to access ROCm on my AMD graphics card. I have torch installed in a Python 3.10 virtual environment on my Ubuntu 22.04 distribution. Recently, AMD released a new driver which I decided to update to and this required me to update to torch 2.3.0. After following their update procedure I was unable to import torch in either script or interactive python sessions. The import would fail with the following error message:
...sdenv310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/__init__.py", line 27, in <module>
from ._utils import _import_dotted_name, classproperty
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch._utils'
To test if this was an issue with the torch wheel on AMD’s site I tried installing directly from PyTorch instead but I get the same result and the same thing happens when I try 2.5
Any idea what could be interfering with it and stopping it from finding _utils?