Unable to import torch. DLL load failed error

I am facing the issue when I try to import the torch in the new conda enviroment by name mytorch.
I tried many soultions available online and reinstalling the conda around 10 times. But, still the error persists. Please help me.

(mytorch) C:\Users\sanmi>conda list
# packages in environment at C:\Users\sanmi\AppData\Local\conda\conda\envs\mytorch:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
blas                      1.0                         mkl
ca-certificates           2019.1.23                     0
certifi                   2018.11.29               py37_0
cffi                      1.11.5           py37h74b6da3_1
cudatoolkit               10.0.130                      0
freetype                  2.9.1                ha9979f8_1
icc_rt                    2019.0.0             h0cc432a_1
intel-openmp              2019.1                      144
jpeg                      9b                   hb83a4c4_2
libpng                    1.6.36               h2a8f88b_0
libtiff                   4.0.10               hb898794_2
mkl                       2019.1                      144
mkl_fft                   1.0.10           py37h14836fe_0
mkl_random                1.0.2            py37h343c172_0
ninja                     1.8.2            py37he980bc4_1
numpy                     1.15.4           py37h19fb1c0_0
numpy-base                1.15.4           py37hc3f5095_0
olefile                   0.46                     py37_0
openssl                   1.1.1a               he774522_0
pillow                    5.4.1            py37hdc69c19_0
pip                       19.0.1                   py37_0
pycparser                 2.19                     py37_0
python                    3.7.2                h8c8aaf0_2
pytorch                   1.0.1           py3.7_cuda100_cudnn7_1    pytorch
setuptools                40.7.3                   py37_0
six                       1.12.0                   py37_0
sqlite                    3.26.0               he774522_0
tk                        8.6.8                hfa6e2cd_0
torchvision               0.2.1                      py_2    pytorch
vc                        14.1                 h0510ff6_4
vs2015_runtime            14.15.26706          h3a45250_0
wheel                     0.32.3                   py37_0
wincertstore              0.2                      py37_0
xz                        5.2.4                h2fa13f4_4
zlib                      1.2.11               h62dcd97_3
zstd                      1.3.7                h508b16e_0

It might be related to this issue, and there’s already a PR to fix it. Check it out when it lands, it might resolve your issue.