Unable to install PyTorch 1.0.0 in Anaconda environment

I just installed the latest Anaconda on my Win 10 x64 machine. Then created a new environment with python 3.5.5. I proceed to install pytorch using the commands listed on the pytorch website

conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch

But I keep getting the following error that the packages are not found in the current channels.

How do I solve this?

Could you try to run

conda update -n base conda

and try it again?

Hello thanks for the reply, I tried that already before posting. (just to be sure I did it again but it says All requested packages already installed) And then I tried the above command to install pytorch but I get the same result as above.

I also tried from the anaconda navigator, although its able to find the package, when I select it and then click the apply button, it gives the same error.

I was able to install it with the above command in the (base) environment. Not sure why it worked there and not in the new environment I created. Maybe it required a dependency that wasn’t in the new environment?

hi, I am having the same problem with pytorch installation. Can you please help me out?

I’m not sure, I’ve been installing pytorch multiple times in conda with no problem anymore. What problem are you having? And how are you doing it?

Did you use the command on the Getting started page of pytorch? https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/

yes i did but it was showing package not found