get this error
no problems doing this on python 3.10!!!
The Python 3.13 support is tracked here and while Windows supports source builds, the PyTorch binaries do not support it yet according to the support matrix.
then they should post a message (command line or some sort of PIP log). Something like "Current Python a.b.c does not support Pytorch x,y,z
I do find it hard to believe that so much has changed in python 3.10 to 3.13 that Pytorch no longer works ;-).-)
The linked issue tracks all packages and any support in landing needed PRs is welcome
Does putorch python 3.12??
well Pytorch does not install on python 3.12 either!!!
Same error as previous post!!!
As in the previous post, wheels seems to fail (same way). When I did Pytorch on a custom 3.10, it all installed (ran pytorch programs no errors)…but could not install Panda. So uninstalled 3.10 and installed 3.13 standard way (with pathing options)…failed…uninstalled 3.13 because “not supported for Pytorch”…installed 3.12 (with pathing options)…still fails
all I will say is “help help help!!!”
Yes, PyTorch does support Python3.12.
ok got it working
- had to roll back to Python 3.10
-Standard install - had to roll back pytorch to 2.2
-2,5 hash values are apparently in correct - had to roll back pandas to 2.1
- 2.5 has a problem with wheels…puked up all over the install process
So at least back to where I was 6 days ago…lets see what new adventures await!!!
hey @vojo_0001 how have you been did you find any solution for torch to get downloaded onto python 3.13 or still using 3.10 because i have to download the sentence transformers library on it and need torch there would really appreciate your reply
rolled back to python 3.10
Nearly 2025, and still not sorted. this is why I don’t like this hobby language python, that dependancy nightmare.
I had similar issues. I resolved it by installing torch under a python3.10 virtual environment. python3.10 -m venv …/.venv.
I came across the same problem. I have found this solution: If you need a temporary fix without downgrading default installations of python (which can break stuff), you can consider GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management and GitHub - pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv: a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)