Unable to save Pytorch model to Google Drive in Google Colab?

I am trying to save my model to my drive on google colab. I have used the following code to mount my Google Drive-

from google.colab import drive

After all the preprocessing, model definition and training, I want to save my model to the drive because training it will take a long time. So, I will save it to drive at regular intervals and reload from that point to continue.
The code to save my model is:

def save_model(model, model_name, iter):
  path = f'content/gdrive/My Drive/Machine Learning Models/kaggle_jigsaw_{model_name}_iter_{iter}.pth'
  print(f'Saving {model_name} model...')
  torch.save(model.state_dict(), path)
  print(f'{model_name} saved successfully.')

gru = GRU(vocab.n_words, EMBEDDING_DIMS, HIDDEN_SIZE, 2).to(device)
save_model(gru, 'gru', 0)

I am getting the following error:

Saving gru model...
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-27-d2510611a9d4> in <module>()
     10 gru = GRU(vocab.n_words, EMBEDDING_DIMS, HIDDEN_SIZE, 2).to(device)
---> 11 save_model(gru, 'gru', 0)

<ipython-input-27-d2510611a9d4> in save_model(model, model_name, iter)
      2   path = f'content/gdrive/My Drive/Machine Learning Models/kaggle_jigsaw_{model_name}_iter_{iter}.pth'
      3   print(f'Saving {model_name} model...')
----> 4   torch.save(model.state_dict(), path)
      5   print(f'{model_name} saved successfully.')

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/serialization.py in save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol)
    217         >>> torch.save(x, buffer)
    218     """
--> 219     return _with_file_like(f, "wb", lambda f: _save(obj, f, pickle_module, pickle_protocol))

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/serialization.py in _with_file_like(f, mode, body)
    140             (sys.version_info[0] == 3 and isinstance(f, pathlib.Path)):
    141         new_fd = True
--> 142         f = open(f, mode)
    143     try:
    144         return body(f)

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'content/gdrive/My Drive/Machine Learning Models/kaggle_jigsaw_gru_iter_0.pth'

I have manually created the folder in my drive and only the file needs to be created. Still, the error persists. Though, I am sure that manually creating the folder was not required. The problem is something else.
Where am I going wrong?

I haven’t worked with colab but try to create the directory with pathlib before saving the model.

from pathlib Import Path
directory_path = Path(path).parent
directory_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

I tried this. This time I did not get any error and the last print statement of the function was executed. But the model was not saved in my drive.

Then it saved somewhere! haha, just have to find out where. Are you supposed to use content/rest_of_path or /content/rest of path?