Under eval mode, the same model has different performance with the same data

I use load pre-train model and test it with the same data under eval mode but get a different result each time

gnn = DAGNN(in_dim = args.in_dim,n_hid = args.n_hid, n_heads = args.n_heads, n_layers = args.n_layers,agnostic_type = 0,\
            dropout = args.dropout,device=device,shared_node_type=shared_node_types,shared_relations_type=shared_edge_types)
c_s = Classifier(args.n_hid,100,num_cls).to(device)
c_t = Classifier(args.n_hid,100,num_cls).to(device)
discriminator = Discriminator(args.n_hid,100,2).to(device)
if args.loadfile !=-1:
    gnncheckpoint = torch.load(args.premodel_dir + '/gnn'+args.src_domain+args.tgt_domain+'_epoch_' + str(args.loadfile) + '.pth')
    c_scheckpoint = torch.load(args.premodel_dir + '/c_s'+args.src_domain+args.tgt_domain+'_epoch_' + str(args.loadfile) + '.pth')
    c_tcheckpoint = torch.load(args.premodel_dir + '/c_t'+args.src_domain+args.tgt_domain+'_epoch_' + str(args.loadfile) + '.pth')
    discriminatorcheckpoint = torch.load(args.premodel_dir + '/discriminator'+args.src_domain+args.tgt_domain+'_epoch_' + str(args.loadfile) + '.pth')
acc,n_correct,n_total = test(gnn,c_s,c_t,discriminator,tgt_test_data,device,epoch,args)
print("TGT Test epoch =[{}/{}] Avg Acc = {:.5f} n_correct = {} n_total = {}".format(epoch+1,args.n_epoch,acc,n_correct,n_total))
acc,n_correct,n_total = test(gnn,c_s,c_t,discriminator,src_test_data,device,epoch,args)
print("SRC Test epoch =[{}/{}] Avg Acc = {:.5f} n_correct = {} n_total = {}".format(epoch+1,args.n_epoch,acc,n_correct,n_total))
raise RuntimeError

the test function is list below

def test(gnn,c_s,c_t,discriminator,data_list,device,epoch,args):
    with torch.no_grad():
        n_total = 0
        n_correct = 0
        i = 0
        while i < args.n_batch: 
            for node_feature, node_type, edge_index, edge_type, x_ids, batch_ylabel in data_list[i]:
                tgt_node_feature     = node_feature.to(device)
                tgt_node_type        = node_type.to(device)
                tgt_edge_index       = edge_index.to(device)
                tgt_edge_type        = edge_type.to(device)
                tgt_x_ids            = x_ids
                tgt_batch_ylabel     = batch_ylabel.to(device).squeeze()

            node_rep_tgt        = gnn.forward(tgt_node_feature, tgt_node_type,tgt_edge_index, tgt_edge_type) #TODO
            tgt_class_pred     = c_s(node_rep_tgt[tgt_x_ids])#256,4
            tgt_class_pred      = torch.argmax(tgt_class_pred,dim=-1) 
            n_correct += tgt_class_pred.eq(tgt_batch_ylabel.data.view_as(tgt_class_pred)).cpu().sum()
            n_total += len(tgt_x_ids)
            i += 1
            acc = n_correct * 1.0 / n_total
    return acc.numpy(),n_correct,n_total

the result changes like this

TGT Test epoch =[1/900] Avg Acc = 0.16956 n_correct = 1389 n_total = 8192
SRC Test epoch =[1/900] Avg Acc = 0.91479 n_correct = 7494 n_total = 8192
TGT Test epoch =[1/900] Avg Acc = 0.17188 n_correct = 1408 n_total = 8192
SRC Test epoch =[1/900] Avg Acc = 0.96106 n_correct = 7873 n_total = 8192

Are you using any random transformations in your dataset?
If not, could you post an executable code snippet to reproduce this issue?

Thanks I found the error.

Could you post the solution, as it would be interesting to know, since we are sometimes facing the same question and your issue might help us in debugging. :wink: